Schema Conflicts in Revit 2024

Autodesk Support

Dec 17, 2024

Products and versions covered


Users reported that Schema Conflicts are encountered after upgrading or working in Revit 2024.
This can occur when:

  • Opening a project (.RVT)
  • Loading a linked model.
  • Opening a template (.RTE)
  • Loading a family (.RFA)


  • The schema conflict dialog (as shown in the following) may only appear when using the Audit a model (audit checkbox checked when opening model).
  • The name of the following schema shown is an example. The actual schema name may vary.

Schema Conflict when Loading a File

The file being loaded is causing a conflict with existing data in the model. What do you want to do?

The file contains data of schema "<Schema Name>" (from ""), which has the same ID as a different schema already in memory. If the file is loaded, the existing data will be erased from the model.
Schema Conflict

Note: Selecting the option to continue loading the file will delete the schema in the file being loaded. For more information about add-on data conflicts see the dedicated help page.



Single User Non-Workshared models

  1. Install Revit 2024.3.1 (or later version).
  2. Schema conflicts related to Revit 2024 are automatically resolved when opening the project, loading the family or linked model.
  3. Linked Revit models should be opened and resaved using Revit 2024.3.1, otherwise performance would be reduced as the schema conflicts is resolved every time the host model is opened and the link is loaded.

Multi-user Workshared Models

  1. Before updating, ensure all users working on the project have relinquished all elements.
    • Each user can check that this has been done in the Worksets dialog.
  2. Close Revit.
  3. Update all users working with the project to Revit 2024.3.1 (or later version).
Note: To avoid potential conflicts, make sure that everyone is updated, and avoid having users on prior builds accessing the model.
  1. Create a new local file.
    • For cloud workshared model, opening the project from Revit Home automatically creates a new local file.
    • For network or Revit Server based worksharing, delete your existing local file and open the central model with the option to create new local checked.
  2. Unload all Revit links and sync to central.
    • Alternatively, Open the model with Specify Worksets and close any worksets associated with linked models.
  3. Repeat steps 1 – 5 for all linked Revit files.
    • If the linked Revit files are not workshared, just open and save each file using Revit 2024.3.1 (or later version).
  4. Reload all Revit links.

Note: Schema issues may still be reintroduced by project members who have not updated to Revit 2024.3.1 yet. If this happens, you need to repeat the recommended steps.

Mixed Builds

We highly recommend that you do not mix using previous versions of Revit 2024 with 2024.3.1 on a project - all users working on a project should use 2024.3.1 together.

However, if having everyone update is not feasible, use the following workflow when encountering schema conflicts in earlier builds:

  1. Click “Do not load the file” (It is important to not continue loading the model when there is a conflict).
  2. Close Revit.
  3. Re-open Revit and retry.
  4. If schema conflict shows up after re-opening Revit:
    1. Open with all worksets closed.
    2. If conflict occurs the issue is with the host model and have someone with 2024.3.1 or later open the model to repair it.
    3. If conflict does not occur:
      1. Re-open worksets.
      2. When receiving schema conflict, again click “Do not load the file”.
      3. Open Manage Links dialog.
      4. Find which model has been unloaded.
      5. Have someone with 2024.3.1 or later open the link to repair it. 

Conflict Remains

If schema conflicts are still showing up after updating, this indicates that the conflict is not specific to the 2024 release. Refer to the following article for troubleshooting this behavior:  "Schema conflict when Loading a file" when opening or linking a model in Revit

Revit 2025

Changes introduced into the 2025 release have "Fixed issues related to schema conflicts introduced in Revit 2024." as described in the 2025 Release Notes


Revit Product Family; Revit Cloud Worksharing;



Incident ID:


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