Tessellation Preferences

Tessellation Quality


Sets the maximum triangle aberration for tessellation from the b-splines. When you add further tessellation tolerances, an LOD node is generated for each imported file. The tolerance values define the tessellation aberration for each child of an LOD node. The number of children are defined by the number of tolerance values.

Offset Factor

Sets the offset when adding new tolerance values.

Tessellation Topology


Offers three different options to tessellate geometries.

  • Create New: rebuilds new geometry based on the imported b-splines.

  • Reuse Ex... (If Any): refines the existing geometry according to the tessellation settings. The new tessellation is based on the currently set tessellation in the imported data, if it exists.

  • No Topology: does not tessellate geometries.

Aberration of the tessellated geometries from the b-splines.
Check Orientation

Makes sure that normals of seamless patches are pointing in the same direction.