Calculated fields

asterisk Contents

Calculated fields allow you to compute a field with values from other fields from the same entity (such as a Shot or an Asset). You can use calculated fields to make it easier and faster to find useful information.

Add a calculated field the same way you add any other field type. You will see the list of available fields for the specific entity you’re using under the “Available Fields” section. If you add additional fields of supported types to your page, they will appear under the list of Available Fields on your Calculated fields.

Make sure you use the format listed under “Available Functions” in your formula, like in the example below.

Calculated fields

Type in your formula. If the formula uses the “Float” output type, you can choose the Display Format, which will override the default float format for this particular field.


Keep in mind:


Graph by calculated field

Available functions


Name Description Syntax
+ Addition value1 + value2
- Subtraction value1 - value2
* Multiplication value1 * value2
/ Division value1 / value2


Name Description Syntax Example Result
CONCAT Combine strings CONCAT(string1, string2) CONCAT(“Shot”, “Grid”) “Flow Production Tracking”
UPPER Uppercase string UPPER(string) UPPER(“Flow Production Tracking Software”) FLOW PRODUCTION TRACKING SOFTWARE
LOWER Lowercase string LOWER(string) LOWER(“Flow Production Tracking Software”) flow production tracking software
LEFT Returns part of the string from the beginning of the specified string LEFT(string, [number_of_characters]) LEFT(“ab_0124”, 2)

LEFT(“Flow Production Tracking Software”)

LEFT(“ab_0124”, 0)


RIGHT Returns part of the string from the end of the specified string RIGHT(string, [number_of_characters]) RIGHT(“ab_0124”, 4)

RIGHT(“Flow Production Tracking Software”)

RIGHT(“ab_0124”, 0)


MID Returns part of the string, taken from a segment of the string MID(string, starting_at, extract_length) MID("ab_0124", 3, 1) “_”
LEN Length of a string LEN(string) LEN("Flow Production Tracking Software") 16

Definitions of string arguments

Name Description
number_of_characters The number of characters to return from the left or right side of string. (This is optional, and set to “1” by default.)
starting_at The starting point from the left of the string from which to begin extracting. The first character in the string has the index 1.
extract_length The length of the segment to use.

Notes about strings


Name Description Syntax
TODAY Returns today's date. TODAY()
DATE Forms a date. DATE(2020, 4, 27)

Notes about dates

Type conversion

Name Description Syntax Output Type Example Result
FIXED Formats a numeric value as text to display a specific number of decimal places. FIXED(number, [number_of_places]) Text FIXED(3.141592,4)




TO_FLOAT Converts a numeric value (number, currency, percent) to a float. TO_FLOAT(number) Float TO_FLOAT(11)

TO_FLOAT({sg_percent}) // {sg_percent} = 40%

TO_FLOAT(sg_amount}) // {sg_amount} = $200


TO_CURRENCY Converts a numeric value (number, float, percent) to a currency. TO_CURRENCY(number) Currency TO_CURRENCY(1.479531)


TO_CURRENCY({sg_percent}) // {sg_percent} = 40%


TO_PERCENT Converts a numeric value (number, float, currency) to a percent. TO_PERCENT(number) Percent TO_PERCENT(0.4)




TO_DURATION Converts a number to a duration with an optional “duration unit”. Supported “duration units” include weeks, days, hours, and minutes. TO_DURATION(number, [unit]) Duration TO_DURATION(2)

TO_DURATION(2, weeks)

TO_DURATION(0.5, days)
2 days (or hours, depending on your Site Preferences)

2 weeks

0.5 days*
TO_WEEKS Converts a duration to a number of weeks. TO_WEEKS(duration) Duration TO_WEEKS(TO_DURATION(10, days)) 2 (if you have a five-day week set in your Site Preferences)
TO_DAYS Converts a duration to a number of days. TO_DAYS(duration) Duration TO_DAYS(TO_DURATION(8, hours)) 1 (if you have an eight-hour day set in your Site Preferences)
TO_HOURS Converts a duration to a number of hours. TO_HOURS(duration) Duration TO_HOURS(TO_DURATION(120, minutes)) 2
TO_MINUTES Converts a duration to a number of minutes. TO_MINUTES(duration) Duration TO_MINUTES(TO_DURATION(2, hours)) 120
TO_STATUS Converts a short code to a status icon. TO_STATUS("status short code") Status List TO_STATUS("ip") TO_STATUS
TO_CODE Returns the short code of the status field passed in as an argument. TO_CODE({sg_status_list}) Text TO_CODE("ip") TO_CODE
DATE Converts numerical values to a date. DATE(year, month, day) Date DATE(year, month, day) DATE(2020, 5, 14) 2020-05-14 (Formatting will depend on your Site Preferences)
CEILING Returns number rounded up CEILING({a_float_field}) Float CEILING({a_float_field})

{a_float_field} rounded up

FLOOR Rounds number down FLOOR({a_float_field}) Float FLOOR({a_float_field})

{a_float_field} rounded down


Notes about type conversions

Logical Functions

Name Description Syntax Output Type Example Result
TRUE Returns the logical value TRUE. This is represented by a checked checkbox in Flow Production Tracking. TRUE() Checkbox TRUE() TRUE
FALSE Returns the logical value FALSE. This is represented by an unchecked checkbox in Flow Production Tracking. FALSE() Checkbox FALSE() FALSE
AND Returns a checked box (TRUE) if all conditions passed in as an argument are TRUE. This can take any number of arguments. AND({sg_condition1}, [{sg_condition2}, ...]) Checkbox AND({sg_false_checkbox}, {sg_true_checkbox})

AND({id} > 0, {code} = "hero_rock")

TRUE (if "hero_rock"—case-sensitive—and if the id field is greater than 0)
OR Returns a checked box (TRUE) if any conditions passed in as an argument are TRUE. This can take any number of arguments. OR(({sg_condition1}, [{sg_condition2}, ...]) Checkbox OR({sg_false_checkbox}, {sg_false_checkbox}, {sg_true_checkbox}, {sg_false_checkbox}, {sg_false_checkbox}) TRUE
NOT Reverses the value passed in as an argument and returns an unchecked box when the compared checkbox is checked, and vice versa. NOT({sg_checkbox_field}) Checkbox NOT({client_approved})

TRUE (not Client Approved) or FALSE (Client Approved)

TRUE (not Delivered) or FALSE (Delivered)
IF The if function takes three parameters in the form IF(condition, then, otherwise). The first parameter is a condition that must evaluate to either true or false, the second and third parameters are the values returned if the first parameter is true or false. The second and third parameters should be of the same field data types (e.g. text, number, etc.). IF(condition, then, otherwise) The same data type as the parameters IF({sg_cost}>{sg_bid_cost}, {sg_cost}-{sg_bid_cost},to_currency(0))

IF({sg_bid_cost}>{sg_cost}, {sg_bid_cost}-{sg_cost},to_currency(0))

IF({due_date} < today(), "in the past", "in the future")
Over Bid Cost

Under Bid Cost

Future or Past

IS_EMPTY Returns true if a cell is empty/blank/null, represented by a checked checkbox in Flow Production Tracking. IS_EMPTY() Checkbox IS_EMPTY({due_date}) TRUE

Comparison Operators

Name Description Syntax Example Output Type Example Result
< (less than), <= (less than or equal to), >= (greater than or equal to), > (greater than), = (equal to), <> (not equal to) Compares two expressions and returns a Checkbox type value. The compared values must be of similar field data types (e.g. number fields compared with other number fields, text fields compared with other text fields, etc.), otherwise you may have to cast the variables. Returning a checked box is TRUE, while returning an unchecked box is FALSE. 1 < 100

"foo" = "bar"

{due_date} < today()
Checkbox 1 < 100

"foo" = "bar"

{due_date} < today()


TRUE or FALSE, depending

Using Linked Fields

Linked fields can be used in calculated fields by specifying the dot syntax for the path to a linked field (example: entity.Asset.code). This is often called deep linking or using dot syntax.

To reference a list of linked field dot syntaxes available on an entity, reference the Available Linked Fields dropdown in the field configuration dialogue for the Calculated field type.

Reference dot syntax

Then, you can copy and paste the linked fields available into the formula.

Example formula:

CONCAT("Description: ", {entity.Shot.description}, " Cut Info: ", {entity.Shot.sg_head_in}, " [", {entity.Shot.sg_cut_in}, " - ", {entity.Shot.sg_cut_out}, "] ", {entity.Shot.sg_tail_out})

Example formula

Example output:

Example output


Error messages

You may see different error messages in your calculated fields, either in the formula editor itself or in the results of the calculation.

Example calculations

Below are some examples of formulas for calculated fields.

Description Formula Output format Image Example
Cut length {sg_cut_out} - {sg_cut_in} + 1 Float (10) Cut length
Cut summary CONCAT({sg_head_in}, " [", {sg_cut_in}, " - ", {sg_cut_out}, "] ", {sg_tail_out}) Text Cut summary
Projected shot cost {sg_shot_bid} * {sg_shot_cost} Float Projected shot cost
Shot prefix for reference CONCAT("A_", {code}) Text Shot prefix
Trim off last two characters of a string LEFT({string_field}, LEN({string_field}) - 2) Text Trimming a string
Task is Overdue or On Schedule IF({due_date} < today(), "Overdue", "On Schedule") Text Tasks overdue
Overtime on TimeLogs vs Bids on Tasks if(and({est_in_mins} > to_duration(0, minutes), {time_logs_sum} > {est_in_mins}), {time_logs_sum} - {est_in_mins}, to_duration(0, minutes)) Text Tasks Overtime
Tasks that are late or on time displayed as statuses to_status(if(and({sg_status_list} <> "fin", {due_date} < today()), "lte", "ote")) Status Icons Tasks late versus on time as statuses
Tasks are "On time", unless they do not have a Due Date specified and should be left empty, and "Overdue" for any Task that is not Final and has a Due Date in the past to_status(if(is_empty({due_date}), "", if(and({sg_status_list} <> "fin", {due_date} < today()), "Overdue", "On time"))) Status Icons Tasks On time versus Overdue as statuses

Additionally, calculated fields are available via the API.