This is part two of Key Revit concepts, which includes: Revit family types, Changing parameters
Part one includes: Model elements, Revit categories
Revit family types
When you create a family, it can have multiple types. Those types can be created for different sizes, materials, or any other parameter that you want to vary. In the case of a column family, you can have several types for the various sizes. Everything else could remain the same. In other words, the same material and shape. Then when you switch between the types, you switch between various sizes of columns. Another example is air terminals. You can have an air terminal that includes types for a 24”x24” square face as well as a 12”x12” square face.
Exercise files:
Estimated time to complete topic:
3 minutes
Topic steps:
1. To view categories of elements organized by identical use, common parameters, and similar geometry, in the Project Browser, expand Families.

2. Expand the Structural Columns category to view the structural column families.

3. Expand the W Shapes-Column family to view the types.

Changing parameters
Exercise files:
Estimated time to complete topic:
2 minutes
Topic steps:
Parameters define the size, shape, position, material, and other information about an element in the model. Parametric modeling refers to the relationships among all elements in a project that enable the coordination and change management that Revit provides. These relationships are created either automatically by the software or by you as you work. Here are some examples:
A door is a fixed dimension from an adjacent partition wall. If you move the wall, the door retains this relationship to the wall.
The edge of a floor or roof is related to the exterior wall so that, when you move the exterior wall, the floor or roof remains connected.
Rebar is spaced equally across a given element. If you change the length of an element, Revit maintains equal spacing among elements.
To change a parameter:
1. In Revit, there are instance properties and type properties. Instance properties control a single element instance. When an element or multiple elements are selected, the instance parameters appear in the Properties palette.
2. Click Edit Type in the Properties palette to open the Type Properties dialog. Type properties control all elements of a specific type. The type properties help define a family type.

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