Generative Design

With the 2022 release, all improvements from the past several 2021 Generative Design updates are integrated into Revit. (See access details.)

The following lists summarize improvements in Generative Design since its release with Revit 2021. For details about specific improvements, as well as release notes for each update, see New in Generative Design 2021.

Sample study types

Sharing study types

These improvements make it easier to share study types with team members.

Defining inputs for a study

In the Define Study dialog, you can now do the following:

Variables and constant values in outcomes

In the Explore Outcomes dialog, the following changes make it easier to distinguish between variables and constants:

Generative Design tools in Dynamo

The following improvements make it easier for Dynamo authors to create and edit study types.

New learning content

Performance improvements

Generative Design runs studies faster than before, delivering outcomes more quickly.

In addition, behind-the-scenes changes result in improved performance when you start Generative Design and when you explore outcomes of different studies. You'll especially notice these performance improvements if you have run many studies.

Note: A one-time update of existing study outcome data can occur after the upgrade. If you have created many studies, you may notice a small delay the first time you start Generative Design after the upgrade.