What's New

Learn about new features in the latest release of Autodesk Revit.

indicates a new feature or enhancement in the latest update. Update features are available to students and Autodesk subscribers.

indicates a new feature or enhancement that was suggested and voted up by Revit customers on the Ideas forum.

Highlights from the Revit Roadmap




New features

Not available in the current release

The following features and workflows are not available.

Subscription features now available to users of Revit 2020

Most new features and enhancements that were made available to Autodesk subscribers in 2019 updates are now available to users of Revit 2020.

Note: Some of the 2019 update enhancements apply only to students and Autodesk subscribers.

For a detailed list of those enhancements, see What's New in Revit 2019.