Limitations of SketchUp Data Imported to Revit

Revit treats the data imported from Trimble® SketchUp® as a complicated collection of geometry that may require more steps to manipulate. However, you can change the layer settings from Trimble® SketchUp® to improve the results.

For example, to assign colors or materials on a by-layer basis, click Manage tabSettings panelObject Styles, and change settings on the Imported Objects tab.
Note: Changing the object styles only affects the objects that have a default material on that particular layer in SketchUp.

When you import a Trimble® SketchUp® design into a Revit mass family and then load the mass family into a Revit project, it is possible to convert mass faces (from the design) into walls, floors, and roofs. (See Importing Massing Studies from Other Applications.) However, we don't recommend this workflow, and the results are not always predictable. In general, simpler model geometry has a greater likelihood of being converted correctly.

When creating content in Trimble® SketchUp® for use in Revit, consider the following restrictions: