Revit to InfraWorks: Specify the Geographic Location

Define where the Revit model is located in the physical world.

The latitude and longitude values that you define for the project location are applied to the survey point in the Revit model, and are used to position the geometry when the model is imported to InfraWorks.

  1. Click Manage tabProject Location panel Location.
  2. In the Location Weather and Site dialog, click the Location tab.
  3. For Define Location by, select one of the following:
    • Default City List: If you know the exact location, you can specify the Latitude and Longitude values for the model location. Specifying the City is not sufficient to provide the exact location.
    • Internet Mapping Service: When your computer is connected to the Internet, this option displays an interactive map through the Bing™ mapping service. Until you specify a different project location, the location is defined as <Default> and is set to the longitude and latitude of the major city specified for your locale.

      For Project Address, enter the street address, city and state, or latitude and longitude of the project, and click Search. Enter latitude and longitude coordinates as <latitude>, <longitude>. To further refine the position, drag the location map pin to the appropriate location.

  4. Click OK.
  5. Optional: In a site plan view, position the survey point as required in relation to the geometry. The survey point becomes the origin of the model in InfraWorks, and the origin is positioned at the longitude and latitude specified in the previous steps.
    Note: You may need to turn on the visibility of the survey point in the model. From the Visibility/Graphic Overrides dialog, on the Model Categories tab, expand Site, and clear the Survey Point checkbox.