About Requiring Input for Dynamo Scripts

To make Dynamo scripts more adaptable to meet your needs, they can be designed to request user input before use.

Before using Dynamo Player to run the script, you can provide input directly in the Dynamo Player interface. This feature avoids the need to learn and use Dynamo to make project-specific adjustments to the script.

Setting up a Dynamo script to require input

Before you can use Dynamo Player to run a script that needs project-specific input, the team's script writer uses Dynamo to prepare the script to request the input.

To prepare the script, the script writer must do the following:

  1. Open the script in Dynamo.
  2. Right-click a node that needs input, and select Is Input.
  3. For any nodes that you do not want exposed in Dynamo Player, right-click a node and clear Is Input.
  4. Save the script and share it with Revit users.

Supported input types

Any interactive selection or drop-down user interface (UI) input node in Dynamo works in Dynamo Player. Dynamo Player supports input for certain types of nodes in a Dynamo script, including but not limited to the following:

The specific types of nodes that support input will change over time. As Dynamo users create new node types, Dynamo Player may not immediately support input for them. Over time, however, Dynamo Player may support input for those node types, if appropriate.

Watch nodes

In Dynamo, Watch nodes report information rather than supply inputs. To expose a Watch node in Dynamo Player so users can see the results, give the node a custom name.

Unsupported input types

In a Dynamo script, some types of nodes do not support input from Dynamo Player. In Dynamo Player, these inputs are marked with the text Unsupported Input Type.

When running a script, Dynamo Player ignores unsupported input types.