Create the Site Plan

The site plan provides context for the building model.

  1. Define site settings.

    Define contour line intervals, select section cut material, and specify the poche depth for topography elements.

  2. Create the toposurface.

    In a site plan or a 3D view, create a topographical surface by picking points, importing 3D data, or importing a points file.

  3. Rotate the project to True North.

    To provide the proper context for the building in relation to the building lot, specify True North in relation to Project North.

  4. Specify property lines.

    To provide the proper context for the building in relation to the building lot, specify True North in relation to Project North.

  5. Add a building pad.

    In the site plan, add a building pad to the toposurface. Then modify the structure and depth of the pad.

  6. Grade the toposurface.

    Grade the model's toposurface, indicating changes to existing contours.

  7. Create parking lots, roads, and sidewalks.

    Define existing roads and other site elements with toposurface subregions. Add placeholders for parking lots, service roads, and sidewalks. You can refine these elements of the site design later.

  8. Add site components.

    Add trees, fire hydrants and other site components.

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