Linux Installation

To install Netfabb Local Simulation, copy the install TGZ file to a directory with write permissions and then type the following commands by replacing ??? with the version number.

$ tar xvf pan???_install.tgz 
$ cd pan???_install 
$ ./

Follow along and answer the prompts from the install script:

  1. Enter y to continue with the installation.
  2. Use the Enter key to scroll through the End-User License Agreement (EULA).
  3. Enter y to accept the EULA.
  4. New users can enter the installation path. Users with an existing installation can reuse their existing directory or choose a new directory. Enter y to confirm the directory.

  5. Enter the port number and name or IP address of the Windows clic license server, using the format [port]@[host]. Example: or 2080@

  6. Press Enter to finish the installation.

New users of Local Simulation need to add the following line in their ~/.bashrc (or ~/.cshrc) files:


where $ADSK NETFABB LOCAL SIM HOME is the full path to the Local Simulation installation. The line that you need to add will be printed verbatim at the end of the install script. For example, if Local Simulation is installed in /opt/pan the line should be as follows:

source /opt/pan/

Either or ~/.bashrc will need to be sourced before running Local Simulation for the first time.

To set up a link from the Patran results templates directory to the Local Simulation customized templates for Patran, type the following:

$ ln -s $ADSK_NETFABB_LOCAL_SIM_HOME/patran_tmpl $PatranDir/res_templates/CUBES_tmpl

where $PatranDir is the full path to the Patran installation.