Animation Overview

You can link object and viewpoint animations to your construction schedules, and enhance the quality of simulations. For instance, you can start your simulation with a camera showing an overview of the whole project, and then, as the tasks are simulated, zoom into specific areas for a detailed view of the model. You can also play animation scenes as the tasks are simulated. For example, you can animate the arrival and depletion of the material stock piles together with the vehicle movements, and monitor the vehicular access to site.

You can add animation to an entire schedule, to individual tasks within a schedule, or combine these methods together to achieve the desired effect.

To record animation, see Create and Edit Viewpoint Animations and Create Object Animations.

It is also possible to add scripts to the tasks in your schedule. By doing this, you gain control over the animation properties. For example, you may be able to play different animation segments as the tasks are simulated, or play animations backwards and so on.

To record scripts, see Add Interactivity.