Impact Setup

The Impact Setup facilitates drop test and projectile impact studies. Impact Setup appears in the Subcases branch of the tree when the Analysis Type is defined as Impact Analysis. Input consists simply of the direction of travel, initial velocity, and acceleration. The effective directional natural frequencies of the impacting body and target in the contact state are calculated internally. The critical time step calculations are then automatically carried out based on these responses, providing a precise initial time increment and duration of the analysis. Accurate time step prediction is essential in calculating the magnitude of peak response and maintaining an energy balance during the contact event. Optional user defined time increment and duration may be specified.

Go to the tree and right-click on Analysis; select Solve Impact Analysis-Setup Impact Analysis. The following impact analysis setup appears:

When using the Solve option, Autodesk Nastran In-CAD solves the model using the Autodesk Nastran Solver. The progress of the analysis can be seen in the Autodesk Nastran status window that is brought up automatically on a separate tab.

When using the Solve in Editor option, Autodesk Nastran In-CAD will prompt to enter a name for the input file to save to the directory of choice. After clicking Save, the model will automatically load into Autodesk Editor to begin the analysis.