Cloud Solve vs Local Solve

You can save computing power on your local computer by launching jobs on the cloud. To run jobs on the cloud, you need a current Autodesk® Account, an Autodesk ID and password, and Cloud Credits.

There are different kinds of jobs that you can send to the cloud:

Mesh or Analysis jobs

Select where you would like these jobs performed using the Home tab of the ribbon in Synergy. When you first launch Synergy, the jobs default to local solve. Whenever you relaunch Synergy, it defaults to the last setting you selected.

When you run jobs on the cloud, if you lose your internet connection, analyses already scheduled will not be affected, and can be downloaded when your internet connection is restored.

Local Solve is a good option if you need results immediately, and do not have immediate access to the internet.

Caution: Due to the large size of Design of Experiment (DOE) analyses, it is not recommended that you perform these locally. A DOE experiment performed locally could take as much as several days to complete.

Auto-mesh analysis

An auto-mesh analysis runs both the mesh and the analysis in the same location. This location is based on where you specified the analysis to be run.

Specified location Run location
Mesh Analysis Mesh Analysis
Cloud Local Local Local
Cloud Cloud Cloud Cloud
Local Local Local Local
Local Cloud Cloud Cloud
Note: To specifically run a mesh in a location other than the analysis, run the mesh manually before the analysis.