CAD Geometry Modifications as Parametric Optimization Variables

The changes you make with the new CAD geometry editing tools are recognized by the Parametric Study builder as variables. This enables you to optimize both the process settings and the geometry to find the best solution for your situation.

The parametric study is available for the following mesh types:

and for the following thermoplastic injection molding analysis sequences:

Including CAD geometry as a variable within the Parametric Study builder allows you to investigate the effect of modifying one or more CAD features by automatically running an analysis for each of CAD geometry modification you specify. This provides you with more detail on how to best manufacture your part and keep addressing your specific constraints.
You can for example create flow leaders and analyze the difference with your original model.
Tip: To save analysis time, run Parametric Study on the Cloud.
Basic workflow
You can save your CAD geometry edits and use them as variables in the Parametric Study Builder.
  1. Open or create a Project.
  2. Import a CAD model.
  3. Use one of the Modify CAD Surfaces tool to define the CAD modifications you want to investigate.
  4. To save the selected faces, the fillet/chamfer faces (optional) and the distance and direction you wish to move the faces as a CAD modification variable, click Save Geometry modification.
  5. Enter a relevant name for the CAD modification geometry modification you have specified.

    The saved CAD modification is now also accessible for the Parametric Study Builder, and in the ribbon (Geometry tab > Modify panel > CAD modification).

  6. Complete the Prerequisites to setting up a parametric study.
    Note: The Parametric Study builder remeshes automatically when CAD variables are included, so that the original mesh entities are deleted. To preserve your properties, make sure to set them on CAD models and curves only, and not on mesh elements.
  7. Follow the Launching a Parametric study tasks.
Modify CAD Surfaces are design for small changes in comparison with the thickness of the part.