Node Editor

To open the Node Editor, select Windows > Node Editor.

The Node Editor presents an editable schematic of the dependency graph, displaying nodes and the connections between their attributes. It allows you to view, modify, and create new node connections. The Node Editor is effective for some tasks such as character rigging, but for working with materials and shading networks, Hypershade is the recommended editor.

When you first open the Node Editor, it graphs the selected objects in your scene view.

Node view modes

There are five ways to view nodes in the Node Editor: simple, connected, full, view all attributes, or view custom attributes.

Input attributes are displayed on the left side of a node in full mode. Output attributes are displayed on the right side. To expand a node's attribute list, click the located next to the attribute. If an attribute can be connected as either an input or an output, a port is available on both the left and right sides of the node. Use the shortcut Shift-click on the (plus) icon of a compound attribute to expand all layers of its children. Alternatively, you can use the same shortcut on the (minus) icon of a compound attribute to collapse all layers of its children.

For more information on node connections, see Displaying connections.

Changing view modes for multiple nodes

You can change the view mode for multiple nodes in one step by selecting the nodes and selecting the desired mode icon in the toolbar, via the menu options (Edit > Simple Mode, Connected Mode, Full Mode, Custom Mode) or using the 1, 2, 3, 4 hotkeys. See Node Editor Edit menu and toolbar for more information.
Note: When none of the nodes are highlighted (active) in the Node Editor, all nodes are affected if you click the icons in the toolbar, select the same options from the Node Editor Edit menu, or use the Edit menu shortcuts.

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