Graph Editor

To open the Graph Editor:

The Graph Editor is a graphical representation of the animated attributes in your scene, shown as animation curves. The Graph Editor lets you manipulate animation curves and keys within a graph view of a scene.

The following table provides a brief overview of tasks using the Graph Editor:

To... Do this

To place the Graph Editor in a scene view

Select the scene view in which you want the Graph Editor to appear, then select Panels > Panel > Graph Editor.

Turn on Pre-selection highlighting in the Graph Editor

In the Graph Editor menu bar, turn on Select > Pre-select Highlight.
Tip: Change the highlight color with the Colors window. Select Windows > Settings/Preferences > Color Settings, then change the Pre-selection highlight option in the Animation Editors section.
To scroll the graph view vertically and horizontally Hold down the Alt or Option (Mac OS X) key and middle-drag.
To scale the graph view uniformly Press Alt or Option and drag or right-drag.
To scale the graph view press Alt or Option + Shift and drag or right-drag.
Move to the previous or next view Use the square bracket hotkeys ([ and ]). These are the same hotkeys that let you move between camera views in the viewport.

To navigate through views using these hotkeys, click in the Graph Editor then press left bracket ([) to move to the previous view, or right bracket (]) to move to the next view.

To filter mangled Euler angles

Select the mangled animation curves (for example, Rotate X, Y, and Z), then select Curves > Euler Filter.

To change the rotation interpolation type of existing curves

Use the Curves > Change Rotation Interp menu in the Graph Editor and Dope Sheet.

To set an FK/IK key curve

Use the Set IK/FK Key option.

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