Export ShaderFX materials to HLSL, CgFX and GLSL

You can export your ShaderFX material to the following formats: HLSL, GLSL or CgFX.

  1. Select the Material node in your ShaderFX editor.
  2. In the ShaderfxShader Attribute Editor, under HwShader / Shader Config, select the format that you want to export to from the drop-down list.
  3. Under HwShader / Filename, browse to the directory and enter a filename that you want to export the shader file to, and press .
  4. Click HwShader / Save to Disk.
  5. A shader file is saved to the location that you specified.

Note: The generated shader files are formatted for use inside Maya. If you're using a file outside of Maya, you may need to adjust its formatting and semantics.