How to switch lbmass unit to lb in an Inventor file

Autodesk Support

Jun 27, 2024

Products and versions covered


In a drawing template title block's section for estimated weight, the mass has a lbmass unit rather than lb in Inventor.


The following rule gets the mass of the model document in the view that was placed first. It stores this mass value to a custom iProperty called TotalWT.  This TotalWT must be displayed in the drawing title block.
Use the following code:

doc = ThisDoc.Document
customPropertySet = doc.PropertySets.Item("Inventor User Defined Properties")
'Make sure TotalWT property exists
      prop = customPropertySet.Item("TotalWT")
      'Assume error means not found
      customPropertySet.Add("", "TotalWT")
End Try

'Find the filename of the model used in the drawing
modeldocname = IO.Path.GetFileName(ThisDoc.ModelDocument.FullFileName)

'Find the mass of the model used in the drawing
mass = iProperties.Mass(modeldocname)

'Write the mass of the model to the TotalWT custom iProperty.
'The mass is converted from kg to lbs and rounded to the nearest integer
iProperties.Value("Custom", "TotalWT") = Round(mass*2.20462)




Inventor; Inventor Factory; Inventor LT; Inventor Professional; Inventor Series;


2017; 2016; 2019; 2018;

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