Copy and paste feature

Copy a single or multiple features, and then paste, with or without the dependent features.

Copying and pasting features is like creating and placing iFeatures, except that all pasted features are parametrically independent.

Copy feature

  1. Open the part file that contains the feature to copy.
  2. Select one or more features in the browser.
    Tip: To copy a feature and its dependents, right-click the parent feature.
  3. On the Edit menu, select Copy, or press CTRL + C.

Paste feature

  1. Open the file with the feature you want to copy and open the file in which to paste the feature.
  2. Click the window with the feature to copy. Copy the feature you want to paste.
  3. Click the window in which to paste the feature.
  4. Right-click the graphics window, and then select Paste.
  5. As you move the cursor over a part face, a feature preview appears.
  6. Click to paste the feature on the selected face.
  7. In the Paste Features dialog box:
    • Select the method to paste the feature (Selected, Dependent, or Independent)
    • Select the method to paste parameters (Independent or Dependent).
    • In the parameter list, specify a value for each named parameter.

      Example: A parameter specifies the angle between the feature and the face where it is placed. In that case, either enter a value, or move the mouse to rotate the feature dynamically. In the dialog box, the angle value changes as you move the cursor. Click to select a value.

    • When all parameters are assigned a value, click Finish.
Note: Click the X symbol under the feature, and move the cursor to a new position for the feature on the face. Click the circular arrow symbol to rotate the feature dynamically, or enter a value.