About Measuring Distances and Areas

Measurement Type Description Example
Point to Point Measurement Measure horizontal and vertical distances. If you have a large (global) model, you can measure the distance between distant points. Measure the distance between objects that are above or on the ground and objects that are below the ground. Measure a single object's width, length and height. Point_To_Measure
Measure Along a Polyline (Path Distance) Measure horizontal and vertical distances. Measure polyline distances in which some points are above or on the ground and others are below the ground. Measure a single object's width, length and height. Measure_Along_a_Polyline
Temporarily display the elevation of any point in the model. Use the Point Elevation tool (Ctrl+ME) to select a geometry vertex on an object or within a geometry clipping plane to view its elevation. Measure_Along_a_Polyline
Determine the Distance of an Object from the Current Viewpoint (Rangefinder) Measure distances at any angle. Measure distances in which some points are above or on the ground and others are below the ground. Determine_Distance
Measure Terrain Area and Volume Measure the volume of items that are draped on the terrain, such as water features, by clicking the perimeter. Measure_Terrain
Measure the Slope Between Two Points Use the 2D Distance & Slope tool to measure the distance (horizontal and vertical) and slope between two points in a model. Measure_Slope