Updates to the Fusion 360 Manufacture Workspace and the Machining Extension

Autodesk Support

Oct 8, 2023

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Autodesk is updating what CAM capabilities in the Manufacture workspace are available with a Fusion 360 subscription and the Machining Extension. The following changes only impact milling workflows. 

Starting on March 29, 2022: 

  • Interactive controls for tool orientation that were previously only available in the Machining Extension (tilt & turn, align to view or surface normal) will move to Fusion 360 at no extra cost.
  • Fusion 360 will continue to include 2 and 3-axis milling, Turning, Waterjet, laser, plasma, and Probe WCS. Fusion 360 will also continue to include 3+1 and 3+2 positional milling.  
  • All 4 & 5-axis simultaneous machining capabilities in Fusion 360 (including but not limited to swarf, multi-axis contour, multi-axis flow, multi-axis tilting) will move to the Machining Extension. 

Autodesk’s Director of Product Management, Al Whatmough, hosted a virtual fireside chat to discuss the changes.

These changes will impact existing Fusion 360 customers using multi-axis capabilities as part of a commercial subscription. The chart highlights the changes being made:
image (79).png
1. Refer to the Manufacturing Comparison Chart for more information
2. For more information on Fusion 360 visit www.autodesk.com/fusion360
3. To learn more about the Machining Extension visit www.autodesk.com/products/fusion-360/machining-extension
4. For current pricing options visit www.autodesk.com/products/fusion-360/pricing#extensions  

Frequently Asked Questions: 

Which features are being moved between the Fusion 360 Manufacture workspace and the Machining Extension? 

Features moving from the Machining Extension, to be included within Fusion 360: 

  • 3+1 & 3+2 interactive tool axis orientation controls (align to view, surface normal and turn & tilt)  

Features moving from the Fusion 360 Manufacture workspace to the Machining Extension: 

  • 4- & 5-axis simultaneous machining (multi-axis contour, swarf, multi-axis flow, multi-axis tilting) 

What are the effective dates for this change? 

The changes will become effective immediately as part of the Fusion 360 March update, scheduled for March 29, 2022.  

Will Wrapped toolpaths still be available without the Machining Extension? 

Yes, Wrapped toolpaths will still be available without the machining extensions after these changes go-live. Advanced 4th-axis strategies, such as Rotary, will only be available with the purchase of the Machining Extension.

Will the pricing of Fusion 360 or the Machining Extension increase, as part of this change? 

No. Fusion 360 and the Machining Extension will remain at their standard retail price (SRP – 2022).  
Access to the Machining Extension can be purchased: 

  1. On a Monthly or Annual basis, through subscription. 
  2. On a Daily Basis, purchased in-product* 
  3. With a 7-Day Trial** 

*Daily Access, and the 7 Day trial, can be activated within the Extension Manager, located within the top-right corner of Fusion 360.  
**The 7 Day Trial can only be activated once per year. 

What does this mean for Fusion 360 subscriptions and/or the Machining Extension subscriptions? 

From March 29, 2022 forward, any new or existing subscriptions to Fusion 360 and/or the Machining Extension, will reflect the updated feature changes described in this FAQ.  

See the table below for specifics: 


Impact of Changes 

Fusion 360 for educational use 

No change.  

Fusion 360 for personal, hobby use 

No change. 

Fusion 360 for commercial use* (NO MACHINING EXTENSION SUBSCRIPTION) 

*Includes subscription, start-up, or entitled through another product such as Collections)  

  • Customers using 3-axis milling or turning will experience no change. 

  • Customers using positional machining will also receive advanced tool orientation controls.  


  • Customers using 4 or 5-axis simultaneous toolpaths will notice that those features are moving into the Machining Extension, and will be available with the purchase of the Machining Extension.  


Fusion 360 for commercial use* (WITH A MACHINING EXTENSION SUBSCRIPTION) 

*Includes subscription, start-up, or entitled through another product such as Collections)  

No change. 

I’m a Fusion 360 subscriber and I am not subscribed to the Machining Extension. What changes for me? 

On March 29, 2022, you’ll gain capabilities like 3+1 and 3+2 interactive tool axis orientation controls (align to view, surface normal, turn & tilt) at no extra cost. However, 4 and 5-axis simultaneous tools like Swarf and other multi-axis toolpaths will be moving to the Machining Extension. 

I’m a Fusion 360  subscriber and a  Machining Extension  subscriber. What changes for me? 

As an existing subscriber to the Machining Extension, you’ll still be able to access the advanced CAM features that the extension includes today and in the future. So, nothing changes for you.  

I’m a Fusion 360 subscriber and have never used the Manufacturing workspace. Does this impact me?  

Nothing changes for you. These changes only impact the CAM capabilities provided by Fusion 360 and the Machining Extension. If your business needs change, your existing subscription already provides access to powerful 2D and 3-axis CNC programming capabilities. You can also access more advanced technology in the Machining Extension using flexible payment options, including monthly or annual access.  


I’m a hobbyist on Fusion 360 for Personal Use. How does this change affect me?  

Fusion 360 for Personal Use will not be affected by these changes.  

I’m a student or educator on an Education License. How does this change affect me? 

As the Machining Extension is included in your Education license, you will not see any changes.  


What else is changing for the Fusion 360 Manufacture workspace?   

There are no changes to drilling, turning, editing, inspection, part alignment, or machine simulation. The only changes occurring are in milling, as mentioned in this FAQ.  

Can I still open and edit files that contain operations that are being moved into the Machining Extension after this update? 

Files can still be opened and edited after these changes, and you can continue to post process all these operations, including operations that use the Machining Extension. To Edit or Generate these Machining Extension operations that you will need current access to the Machining Extension. To avoid Toolpaths being marked as out of date (for example, when changes are made to the model), we suggest protecting the affected toolpaths.


If you do not have access to the Machining Extension, can you regenerate a toolpath that contains features from the Machining Extension?  

No. To regenerate a toolpath that was created using features from the Machining Extension, you must purchase the Machining Extension.  
Access to the Machining Extension can be purchased: 

  1. On a Monthly or Annual basis, through subscription. 
  2. On a Daily Basis, purchased in-product* 
  3. Through a 7 Day Trial** 

*Daily Access, and the 7 Day trial, can be activated within the Extension Manager, located within the top-right corner of Fusion 360.  
**The 7 Day Trial can only be activated once per year. 

Need help determining if the Machining Extension is the right solution for you? 

Connect with our team by completing the following form and an expert will be in touch shortly.  


Any feedback or comments for the Fusion 360 Manufacturing team? 

Any further questions? Email us at DigitalMFG@Autodesk.com



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