How Do I Migrate Customized Files?

Migrating Drawing Templates

The Import command on the Styles panel of the Manage ribbon tab in Autodesk AutoCAD Civil 3D may assist you in updating your existing drawing templates with the new settings and styles. Using this command, you can import new and changed styles from a drawing or template into a drawing file.

You can also use reference templates to update the styles in your drawings and keep them up to date. You can attach one or more templates to your drawings by using the Reference command on the Styles panel of the Manage ribbon tab in Autodesk AutoCAD Civil 3D.

Customize and Migrate CUIs

For company-wide customization of menus, create a partial menu. This helps avoid working inside the CUI file and manually transfer menus and toolbars. Create a partial menu from the CUI Transfer tab by creating a new .CUI.

Add your partial menu to the list of menus to load. The drop-down menu is displayed automatically after the AutoCAD Civil 3D menus, and the toolbars become available.

If you have defined custom icons, place them in a separate folder. You need to make them available when you load the CUI file. If necessary, you can create the corresponding .MNR file.

During migration, specify the default location for custom icons in the project files search path. If AutoCAD Civil 3D cannot find the custom icons a question mark symbol is displayed. AutoCAD Civil 3D does not look at the .MNR file when loading a partial .CUI file.

Customize and Migrate Tool Palettes

When you create a new palette, an .ATC file is created that stores all the definitions of the tools in the palette. An image subfolder is also created that stores the PNG files displayed in the palette.

Assign palette and tool names that are unique and easy to identify. In preparation for migration, copy all .ATC files and PNG subfolders to a shared network folder. After upgrading, specify the path for tool palettes file locations to the folder on the network.

Customize and Migrate the Toolbox

To customize the Toolbox, copy and rename the original ToolBoxCfg.xml file in C:\Users\All Users\Autodesk\C3D <version>\enu\Data\Toolbox.

Use an XML editor to remove all entries except the RootCategory and specify a name. Restart AutoCAD Civil 3D and use the Toolbox Editor to add new categories and tools. Save the new file in the Toolbox Editor Panorama.

When migrating, copy the custom .xml file located in C:\Users\All Users\Autodesk\C3D <version>\enu\Data\Toolbox.

The Report Settings file stores the Client and Owner data, and the units and precision that are used for LandXML reports. If the path for custom reports did not change, you do not need to do anything with this file.

RepGenSettings.xml is located in C:\Users\<user name>\AppData\Local\Autodesk\LandXML Reporting.

There is no need to copy this file. The new product release locates and reads this file.

Migrate Custom Subassemblies

Autodesk provides updated libraries for each AutoCAD Civil 3D release. When migrating custom subassemblies, references to these libraries must be updated in VBA or .NET custom subassembly projects.

In VBA, check the new available References and update your code. You must update the following line:

Public Const g_AeccXModVersion As String = "11.0"

(to convert AutoCAD Civil 3D 2017 to AutoCAD Civil 3D 2018, replace "11.0" with "12.0")

In .NET, make sure the path to the reference libraries points to the installation directory for the correct version of AutoCAD Civil 3D. For more information, see the chapters on developing custom subassemblies in the AutoCAD Civil 3D Developer's Guide.


VBA custom subassemblies should be ported to .NET. See the AutoCAD Civil 3D Developer's Guide for information about porting VBA subassemblies to .NET.

Migrate Custom Pipe Catalogs

Migrate only the parts you have created. Do not copy the whole catalog because additional content may be included with the new release.

Each time you create new custom pipes or structures in a catalog, additional files are created in the following locations:

To migrate custom pipes and structures:

Migrate Survey Files

Migrate the following AutoCAD Civil 3D Survey files:

Survey User Settings

This file defines where the survey database settings, the survey equipment database, the figure prefix database, and other survey specific settings are stored. You can export the Survey User Settings to a .USR_SET file and then re-import the file into the new release.

In Toolspace, on the Survey tab, click in the upper left corner to open the Survey User Settings dialog box where you can specify the settings for many of the databases below and you can also specify the Import/Export options.


Due to the requirement to support a 64-bit operating system, in AutoCAD Civil 3D survey database, equipment database, and figure prefix database files must be migrated to Microsoft SQL Server Compact format from Microsoft Access Database format. On the Survey tab in Toolspace, a database item that requires migration will display the "out-of-date" icon to provide a visual cue that it requires migration. To complete the migration, right-click the item and select the migration command.

Survey Databases

The survey database consists of two parts, the SDB and SDX files which are stored in the project folder. The Survey Database location is specified by right-clicking the Survey Databases collection on the Survey Toolspace tab and clicking Set Working Folder. Or, if you are using Vault, it can be done in Prospector by right-clicking the Projects collection, selecting Properties, and then browsing to the working folder location in the dialog box. After you migrate the survey database to Microsoft SQL Server Compact format the file extensions will be SDBX and SDXX.

Survey Database Settings

The survey databases settings are stored in an .SDB_SET file. This file can be exported or imported by right-clicking on a survey database, and choosing Edit Survey Database settings. This operation is not part of migrating from one release to the next but can be used in a situation where you need to have a survey database match an older one.

Survey Equipment Databases

The survey Equipment databases are stored in an .EDB file. The default location is C:\ProgramData\Autodesk\C3D <version>\enu\Survey. Specify the path in the Survey User Settings or reimport the Survey User Settings to point to the location of your survey equipment database. After you migrate the equipment database to Microsoft SQL Server Compact format the file extension will be EDB_XDEF.

Figure Prefix Database

The Figure Prefix databases are stored in an .FDB file. The default location is C:\ProgramData\Autodesk\C3D <version>\enu\Survey. Specify the path in the Survey User Settings or reimport the Survey User Settings and make sure to point to the location of your survey figure prefix database. After you migrate the figure prefix database to Microsoft SQL Server Compact format the file extension will be FDB_XDEF.

Linework Code Sets Database

The Linework Code Sets database stored in an .F2F_xdef file. The default location is C:\ProgramData\Autodesk\C3D <version>\enu\Survey. Specify the path in the Survey User Settings or reimport the Survey User Settings and make sure to point to the location of your survey linework code sets database.