Use Civil 3D with Storm and Sanitary Analysis Simulation for hydraulic simulation

Autodesk Support

Jan 8, 2019


Hydraulic simulation is a part of all infrastructure projects and an important part of the BIM process. For designers, this process usually includes the two main aspects of hydraulic simulation— river design and network design. When you use design and simulation tools together, design is much more efficient.


Hydraulic engineers, Designers.


Use Civil 3D to design a network and then use Storm and Sanitary Analysis to perform hydraulic simulation.


  1. In Civil 3D, design the network.
  2. Export Civil 3D networks into Storm and Sanitary Analysis.
  3. In Storm and Sanitary Analysis, set the method for calculating flow, sub-basin characteristics, and rain gauges.
  4. Run a simulation.
  5. Review the simulation results, and adjust the inputs as needed.

For details, see the video Hydraulic Simulation with Civil 3D and Storm and Sanitary Analysis.


When hydraulic engineers and designers work together, they avoid rework. This collaboration saves time and money.

What next

When simulation is complete, the designer can:

  • Export networks from SSA and update them in Civil 3D
  • Share networks with the BIM manager to perform coordination tests such as clash detection

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