In this article we will take a look at Publishing Documents into the Plans location in BIM 360 Docs. The Plans location performs extraction of documents on PDF, RVT, and DWG file formats. This article is specific to Revit Workflows.
Process 1: Prep Publish Contents (Revit)
Ensure the following:
In our example, we set up an Addendum Set with contents of one 3D view and associated Sheets to deliver the proper scope.

- Publish Settings
- Set Name
- Set Contents (Scope of deliverable)
- Save Set and Close (not shown)
Lastly, Save the .rvt file (File>Save). In our example, the publish is coming from a locally saved file.
Process 2: Upload (Update Release) to BIM 360 Docs
To issue documents, Sign into BIM 360 and navigate to associated Project, and associated Folder within Project (Publishing Sets requires proper permissions). In our example, we are re-versioning documents previously released as 100% - CD set. To do this:

- Upload
- Select Linked Files (if links are active/present in .rvt)
- Select Parent File (file that have Set contents to be extracted)

- Specify Set
- Specify Set Name and Issuance date.

6. Add file links
7. Select files to be referenced .rvts in Parent file (Set) in our case, MEP, Structure, Site .rvts
Process 3: View Set/Sheets in BIM360 Docs

- Filter by Set (release contents)
- Version of Document - for our example - Addendum 2 released some documents that were not included in 100% - CD. These will appear as V1 whereas documents that were "replaced" appear as V2.
- From here, you can select a sheet - and view its contents

Process 4: Compare 2D Sheets or 3D views that are consistent between Sets to understand scope changes

At a Sheet or 3D View level, you can choose to compare versions of the document - this will provide a color overlay that depicts updates to your scope release over release

This workflow provides an easy way to deliver scope in document or model form to a project ecosystem. No need to have a seat of Revit, simply view the contents using BIM 360 Docs and provide permission-ed access to the appropriate roles, companies, or individual contributors.