About the CAM Browser

The CAM Browser is the placeholder for all your toolpaths. All toolpaths are organized in setup folders which describe the physical setup (e.g. your work coordinate system). A complete program is composed of one or more individual operations which contain the actual generated toolpath (cutter location information). For more complex setups, it can be useful to organize the operations into subfolders.

The ordering of the setups and operations within the CAM Browser is also the ordering that is generally reflected in the final NC program or when simulating the toolpath. Toolpath patterning and tool reordering are the only features that can influence the listed order.

The CAM Browser

Operation Warnings

After generating a toolpath in Autodesk HSM, the operation may sometimes be marked with an orange checkmark.

The orange checkmark indicates that a toolpath was generated successfully but with one or more warnings

To see what the warning is, right-click the operation and select Show Log from the pop-up context menu.

In the image below, the 2D Pocket operation cannot clear all selected areas because there is not enough room for a ramp with the given settings.

This displays the following warning in the Log:

Extended Information

Additional information can be shown in the CAM Browser alongside the name. Please refer to the To Display Extended Information in the CAM Browser Help topic to learn more about CAM Browser options.

Extended information

Keyboard Shortcuts

Many of the actions that are used often have keyboard shortcuts associated with them. The most common ones are the actions that appear on the right-click pop-up context menu in the CAM Browser.

Shortcut keys available in the CAM Browser include:

Shortcut Description
Ctrl+C Copy selected operation(s)
Ctrl+V Paste copied operation(s)
Ctrl+D Duplicate selected operation(s)
Ctrl+G Regenerate selected operations
Ctrl+L Show operation log
Ctrl+A Select All (items of same type)
Delete Delete operations/folders/setup
F2 Rename operation
Enter Edit selected item

Note that these shortcut keys only work when the CAM Browser has focus. To make sure that this is the case, click somewhere in the CAM Browser first.

When editing parameter values, the following shortcuts can be useful:

Shortcut Description
Enter Save and recalculate parameter
Ctrl+Enter Same as clicking OK in the Operations dialog box
Arrow Up Increment numerical value at cursor
Arrow Down Decrement numerical value at cursor

In addition to these common keyboard shortcuts, there are also several places in Autodesk HSM where holding the Shift key modifies the normal behavior.