Multiple Plug-Ins tabs on ribbon in AutoCAD Map 3D

Autodesk Support

Oct 8, 2023

Products and versions covered


You notice that for each plug-in that is installed, a new ribbon tab named "Plug-ins" is created, rather than having all plug-ins under one tab.

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Workaround to get all plug-ins to appear on a single ribbon tab:
(Note that Steps 2-4 are not necessary in AutoCAD Map 3D 2015, though you may just want to check that the alias is there.  All steps necessary in AutoCAD Map 3D 2014.)
  1. Open the Customize User Interface (CUI) dialogue box by typing the CUI command (or choose Customize from the Workspace drop down list)
  2. Under Customizations in All Files, and All Customization Files, expand Ribbon > Tabs and select Add-Ins
  3. Under Properties > Advanced, click on the [...] that appears next to Aliases
  4. Type ID_ADDINSTAB in the Aliases dialogue box, then click OK
  5. Under Customizations in All Files, expand Workspaces and select [Your Workspace]
  6. Under Workspace Contents, click on Customize Workspace (the Workspace Contents values should turn blue)
  7. Under Customizations in All Files, scroll down and check the box next to "Add-Ins" (under Ribbon > Tabs)
  8. Under Workspace Contents, click Done
  9. Under Customizations in All Files, expand Partial Customization Files
  10. Right-click each plug-in .CUIX that you have and choose "Unload..." (examples of plug-ins are: SKETCHUPIMPORTSKP, CHRONICLE, APPMANAGER
  11. Click OK at the bottom of the CUI dialogue box
  12. Restart AutoCAD Map 3D
Also note that you could create a new Ribbon Tab and add the alias to that instead of using the existing Add-ins tab.

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See Also:

Chronicle video demonstration of workaround: Add All Plug-Ins to One Ribbon Tab in AutoCAD Map 3D


AutoCAD Products;


2017; 2014; 2015; 2016;

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