Using tools and commands in the AutoCAD mobile app for iOS

Autodesk Support

Jul 30, 2020

In the AutoCAD mobile app for iOS, you can access tools and commands using the toolbar, located at the bottom of the screen. Tap the command you want to use, or type in the name of the command on the command line.

To start a command using the command line:

  1. Tap the command line (the space where it says Type a command).
  2. Type the command you want to use (for example, LINE) and then select Enter. Notice that as you start to type a command, it completes automatically. When several possibilities are available, you can make your choice by tapping the command you want.

To start a command using the toolbar icons:

Commands are sorted into several categories, such as Draw, Measure, and Annotate, which are visible on the toolbar. Tap the category button, then select command you want to use. For example, tap Draw > Line

When a command is in progress, or active, you'll see prompts and options within the command. For example, when you activate the Circle command, you'll see the prompt Specify center point for circle and several options below: 3P, 2P, Ttr.

The prompt is meant to help you understand what to do next, and the options let you choose alternative methods within a command to be performed; in this case, switching the input method from the Center point option to one of the other options.

Note: Not all commands in AutoCAD or AutoCAD LT are available in the AutoCAD mobile app.

The following is a list of supported commands in AutoCAD mobile:

  • ARC
  • COPY
  • FIND
  • JOIN
  • LINE
  • MTEXT (Edit Text)
  • MOVE
  • TRIM (Quick Trim)

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