Drawing and modifying objects in the AutoCAD mobile app for iOS

Autodesk Support

Oct 14, 2020

This article shows how to input specific points when creating or modifying objects.

Drawing in the AutoCAD mobile app

This video shows how to create lines.

  1. On the toolbar, tap Draw > LINE
    Learn more about how to use the toolbar.
  2. Specify the first point by dragging the cursor, then tapping anywhere once the first point is selected. The end point of the drag motion specifies the point, and the tap confirms the point.
  3. To continue specifying points, repeat the above step.
  4. When finished, tap Esc to end the command.

Other drawing commands such as POLYLINE, RECTANGLE, ARC, and CIRCLE work similarly.

Modifying objects in the AutoCAD mobile app

This video shows how to move objects.

  1. Select objects you want to modify.
  2. On the toolbar, select the command you want to perform. In the video, the "MOVE" command is selected.
  3. Specify the base point for the command by dragging the cursor, then tapping anywhere once the base point is selected. The end point of the drag motion specifies the point, and the tap confirms the point.
  4. Move the object by dragging the cursor, then tapping anywhere once the final position of the object is selected.

Other modifying commands such as COPY, SCALE, OFFSET, and MIRROR work similarly.


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