How to use plotter configuration files (PC3) from the network in AutoCAD products

Autodesk Support

Oct 8, 2023

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For better control in the office, it is needed to centralize the placement of plotting device configuration files (PC3-files), the plot model parameters (PMP-files) and also control user access to these files.


To achieve this configuration, you can store the plotting device configuration files (PC3 and PMP), and plot style table files (STB and CTB) on a network drive. Follow these steps:

Note: PC3 files are operating system and version specific. In order to use a pc3-file, it must have been created for the same operating system, and from the same driver version as the system driver on the local system.

  1. Copy the relevant files (PC3, PMP, STB and CTB) to a location on the network.
  2. Open the Options dialog box in the product, and on the tab "Files" in the node "Printer Support File Path", make the following changes:
    • Under "Printer Configuration Search Path", enter the location of the pc3 files on the network.
    • Under "Printer Description File Search Path", enter the location of the pmp files on the network.
    • Under "Plot Style Table Search Path", enter the location of the ctb and stb files on the network.

Users are forced to use the plotting device configuration files from the network, because only one search path for each item can be set.

To prevent users from changing the plotting device configuration files on the network, the files can be set to read-only, or set the appropriate access permissions on the files. Also, it is possible to remove the Add-A-Plotter wizard and the Add-A-Plot Style Table wizard shortcuts from each computer to prevent users from running them. 


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