About Modifying Block Attribute Definitions

You can edit the values and other properties of attributes that are attached to a block and inserted in a drawing.

Modify Attribute Definitions With the Block Attribute Manager

You can modify attributes in block definitions with the Block Attribute Manager. For example, you can do the following:

If constant attributes or nested attributed blocks are affected by your changes, use REGEN to update the display of those blocks in the drawing area.

Modify Attribute Definitions With the Block Editor

You can also use the Properties palette within the Block Editor to update the definition of a selected attribute. You can modify many of the same properties that you can change in the Block Attribute Manager, but cannot change the order of the prompts, or how the definition update is applied.

Apply Attribute Definition Changes to Block References

As you modify an attribute, you can specify whether the change is applied only to new insertions, or also to all existing block references in the current drawing (the default). If you elect not to apply changes to existing references, you update, or synchronize, the references later using the Sync button in the block Attribute Manager or the ATTSYNC command.