To Work with Linear Dimensions

Create linear dimensions with horizontal, vertical, and aligned dimension lines. Create baseline or chained dimensions. Place dimension lines at an angle to the extension lines, or make extension lines oblique.

Create Horizontal, Vertical, or Aligned Dimensions

  1. Click Annotate tabDimensions panelDimension. Find
  2. Select a line or specify the first and second extension line origin points.
  3. Move your pointing device to the desired position and orientation of the dimension.
  4. Before specifying the dimension line location, you can edit or rotate the text.
  5. Click to place the dimension line.
  6. Repeat steps to continue dimensioning or press Enter to end dimensioning.

Continued, baseline, and ordinate dimensions can be created using the options in this command.

Create a Linear Dimension with Angled Extension Lines

  1. Click Annotate tabDimensions panelLinear. Find
  2. Specify the first and second extension line origin.
  3. At the prompt, enter r (Rotated).
  4. Enter an angle for the dimension line.
  5. Click to place the dimension line.

Create a Continued or Chain Dimension

  1. Click Annotate tab Dimensions panel Continue. Find
  2. If prompted, select the dimension to continue.
    Note: This prompt is skipped if the first extension line origin can be assumed from the origin of the second extension line of the last created linear or angular dimension.

  3. Use object snaps to specify additional extension line origins.
  4. Press Enter twice to end the command.

Create a Baseline Dimension

  1. Click Annotate tabDimensions panelBaseline. Find
  2. If prompted, select the base dimension.
    Note: This prompt is skipped if the first extension line origin can be assumed from the last created linear or angular dimension.
  3. Use an object snap to select the second extension line origin, or press Enter to select any dimension as the base dimension.

    The second dimension line is automatically located at the distance specified by the Baseline Spacing option in the Dimension Style Manager, Lines tab.

  4. Use an object snap to specify the next extension line origin.
  5. Continue to select extension line origins as needed.
  6. Press Enter twice to end the command.

Modify a Dimension to Specify Oblique Extension Lines

  1. Click Annotate tab Dimensions panelOblique. Find
  2. Select a linear dimension.
  3. Enter a value for the angle of obliqueness, or specify two points.