To Work With Sharing Tool Palettes and Tool Palette Groups

How to import and export tool palettes that you want to share.

Export a Tool Palette or Tool Palette Group

  1. Click Manage tab Customization panel Tool Palettes. Find
  2. In the Customize dialog box, do one of the following:
    • Export a tool palette. Under Palettes, right-click a tool palette name and select Export.
    • Export a tool palette group. Under Palette Groups, right-click a tool palette group and select Export or Export All.
  3. In the Export <Item> dialog box, specify a file name and location. Click Save.

Import a Tool Palette or Tool Palette Group

If you are importing both tool palettes and tool palette groups, importa all tool palettes first, and then import the tool palette groups.

  1. Click Manage tab Customization panel Tool Palettes. Find
  2. In the Customize dialog box, do one of the following:
    • Import a tool palette. Under Palettes, right-click a tool palette name and select Import.
    • Import a tool palette group. Under Palette Groups, right-click a tool palette group or an empty area, and select Import.
  3. In the Import <Item> dialog box, locate the file you want to import. Click Open.