Convert CAD data to GIS format for infrastructure projects

Autodesk Support

Mar 20, 2018


Convert a CAD drawing to GIS format.


GIS Specialist, Surveyors and other AEC role involved in infrastructure project.


  1. Open AutoCAD Civil 3D or AutoCAD Map 3D, and set the workspace to Planning and Analysis;
  2. Open the Master Plan drawing and check if all element are correctly drawn in each layer. For example: Zone A, Zone B.

  1. Check if all polylines that represent each zone are closed;
  2. Run DWG to SDF and specify a file name;

  1. On the Selection tab, set the layers to convert.

  1. On the Features Class tab, set parameters for exportation:
    • Create A Single Class From All Selected Objects specifies that each polyline is transformed into a single FDO feature class. One polyline becomes one row in a table;
    • Under Geometry, set Polygon;
    • Click Select Attributes and select Layer in General properties. This saves information about which zone a polyline is in, for each row of the table.

  • On the Option tab, select "Treat closed polylines as polygon" and then OK.

  1. Run Connect for FDO for the SDF file and Add To Map;

  1. Select a layer in the Task Pane window (1), then click Table (2), and select a record (3).

  1. Display one color for each zone using a thematic map::
    • Select Style in the Task Pane (1);
    • Select Style (2);
    • Set Property to Layer and Distribution to Individuals Values (3)

A thematic map correctly represents the drawing.

You can see all the process in the video How to convert CAD data to GIS format..


Cartography is an important aspect of infrastructure projects. It’s necessary for the representation of existing data (master plans, environmental constraints, pollution, position and shape of utilities, and so on), and to begin general analysis (Buffers, Feature Overlays).

What next?

Perform Feature Overlay.

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