Accessing your Documents Folder in Catalina (MacOS 10.15)

Autodesk Support

Sep 10, 2019

Users of Autodesk Mac products will notice after install on the new operating system when they start the application for the first time, they are prompted for permission to access the users "Documents" folder.

Autodesk applications use this location to save files and store configurations among other things. After selecting "OK" the product will complete load and be available for use.

If user selects "Don't Allow" the product closes and he user will not be able to access or use the product.

Once "Don't Allow" is selected the user is not prompted again, meaning that each subsequent attempt to access the product will fail.   


If you are unable to start your application after denying application access you can modify under the Security & Privacy settings.

  1.    From Apple Menu, select System Preferences > Security & Privacy 
  2. Ensure the documents folder access is not checked for your application
  3. If unchecked, select to enable access
  4. Return to your application and restart    

When you start your Autodesk application you will be asked again to allow access to the documents folder, by selecting OK you will now have access and will not be prompted again.

If you would rather NOT allow access to the documents folder it may be possible to change to another accessible folder.

  1. Open "terminal"
  2. Change the current directory to another accessible directory in terminal window
  3. Launch application by inputting the whole executable path such as /Applications/Autodesk/AutoCAD 2020/AutoCAD

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