About Schematic Reports

The following schematic reports are available:

Bill of Materials Report

This report extracts information for schematic components that have a catalog value assigned. You can choose to include cables, connectors, jumpers, and to include terminal numbers with the terminal strip identifier.

If your project is part of an electromechanical project, you can include the electrical parts from the linked Inventor assembly in your report. This option provides a combined Bill of Material report of the electromechanical components.

Choose from the following display options:

  • Normal Tallied Format. Combines and tallies components that have the same catalog information. Subassembly items and multiple catalog values are reported as line items directly following the main catalog item.
  • Normal Tallied Format (Group by Installation/Location). Combines and tallies components that have the same catalog, installation, and location values. Subassembly items and multiple catalog values are reported as line items directly following the main catalog item.
  • Display in Tallied Purchase List Format. Each catalog value is reported and tallied as a single line item. Subassembly items and multiple catalog values are reported as separate line items.
  • Display in BY TAG Format. All instances of a given component tag or terminal tag are reported as a single line item.

Missing Bill of Material

This report extracts information for schematic components that do not have a catalog value assigned. The report includes an option to surf to the components so you can assign catalog values.

Component Report

The Component report extracts information for all schematic components. Each line item contains one component and its associated information including catalog assignment. If it has subassembly part numbers or multiple catalog numbers, each additional part number is a line item right below the main line item.

From/To Report

This report extracts information for schematic wiring. Each line item contains one wire, its wire number, and information about components connected at each end of the wire. If a wire network contains more than two connected components, more lines are added to the report so all connected components are shown.

You can filter the information on location codes, selecting the location codes for the From components and the location codes for the To components. Select the location value (??) to include components without a location code assigned.

The default Tag/Wire Number/Wire Sequence Order method defined on the Drawing Properties Drawing Format tab determines whether a component is a From or a To component. Use the Edit Wire Sequence command to override the default wire sequence on any wire network.

Component Wire List Report

This report extracts information for schematic components and connected wires. Each line item contains one component, information about that component, one connected wire, and its wire number. If a component has multiple wires connected, more lines are added to the report so all connections are shown.

Connector Plug Report

This report extracts information for schematic plug and jack connection symbols, excluding parametric connectors. Each line item contains a connector, a connector pin, and information for one of the wires connected to that pin. Each connector pin can have two lines in the report. One line is for the wire connected to the plug side, and one line is for the wire connected to the jack side.

The report can also display a pin chart for a single connector. You select the connector, whether to remove duplicate pin numbers, and which side to include. You can also select to include any spare pins for the connector in the pin chart.

PLC I/O Address and Descriptions Report

This report extracts information for PLC symbols and modules. Each line item contains one I/O point, PLC module properties, and the wire number on the connected wire. Information about the I/O point can include the I/O address, the terminal number, and up to five description lines.

PLC I/O Component Connection Report

This report extracts information for PLC I/O points and the components connected to each I/O point. Each line item contains one I/O point, PLC module properties, the wire number on the connected wire, and information about the connected component. Information about the connected component can include the tag, installation, location, description, and catalog values.

The TERM* fields contain the information for the terminal, connector, or fuse connected to the I/O point. The CMP* fields contain the information for any other type of schematic components connected to the I/O point.

PLC Modules Used So Far Report

This report extracts information for PLC modules. Each line item contains one PLC module, information about the PLC module, and the beginning and ending I/O addresses on the module.

Terminal Numbers Report

This report extracts information for schematic terminals. Each line item contains one terminal, information about the terminal, and the wire number on any connected wire. If the wire number changes through the terminal, the wire number is not shown for that terminal.

Terminal Plan Report

This report extracts information for schematic terminals and the components connected to each terminal. Each line item contains one terminal, the wire numbers on any connected wires, and information for cables and connected components.

Connector Summary Report

This report extracts information for schematic connectors. Each line item contains one connector, the total number of pins, the number of used pins, and the values for the used pins.

Connector Details Report

This report extracts information for schematic connectors and the wire connected to each pin. Each line item contains one connector pin, information about the connector, and information for any connected cable or wire.

Cable Summary Report

This report extracts information for cables. Each line item contains one cable and information about the cable.

Cable From/To Report

This report is similar to the From/To report except it extracts wires marked as part of a cable. Each line item contains one cable wire, its wire number, and information about any components connected at each end of the cable wire.

Wire Label Report

This report extracts wire numbers and can be used to create physical wire or cable labels. You can change the label format, specify the number of labels per wire number, and the number of columns.