Publishing Your Model to Assemble

Autodesk Support

Feb 7, 2019

After building a model in a Revit, AutoCAD, or Civil 3D application, you can publish data about that model (e.g., material items, quantities, usage) to Assemble.

Note: The primary, or host, model will need to either be saved locally or opened as a central model to publish to Assemble.

To publish your model

1.  Open the model in your Autodesk application.

2.  On the application menu bar, click Assemble.

3.  On the Assemble toolbar, click Publish Model to Assemble.

Note: If the Publish Model to Assemble button is not active, select the default 3D view of the project to activate the button.

4.  Enter the Assemble Server configuration provided to you by Assemble Systems, and then click Continue.

5.  A new window will appear, prompting you to enter the email address and password used to log into Assemble. Enter your credentials, and then click Sign In.

6-1.  In the Select a project window, either select an existing project or click the + create a project link. 

a)     Enter the Project Name.

b)     Enter a Job Code (optional).

c)     Enter a Description (optional).

d)     Click Create.


6-2.  Open an existing project by clicking on the project from the list of available projects.

7.  In the Select models to Publish window, you have the option to associate the host and linked models with an existing Assemble model or create a new model for each file. Multiple models can be published to a single Assemble model.

Note: Linked models that are not loaded will not be recognized by the Assemble Publisher. Only loaded models will appear in the Publisher wizard.

a)     Choose which models to publish by clicking the check box next to the models you want to publish. 

b)     Under the Select Model drop-down, either select an existing model to publish, or create a new model. We recommend publishing each model separately and federate the models in the Assemble platform. You do have the option to merge all Revit models into one Assemble model, however, this option will forfeit your ability to Compare models in Assemble.

i.)     If you are creating a new model, choose the Create Modeloption. 

ii.)    If you are publishing your model(s) to existing Assemble models, choose the correct model name.

iii.)   If you are merging Revit models, use option i. or ii.

c)     Choose whether the models should be filtered based on the current Revit view's visibility/graphics settings. To use the Visibility/Graphics option, select the check box next to Filter using current view's visibility/graphics overridesTo learn more about the Visibility/Graphics settings, click here.

8.  In the Publish a new version of your models window, type the information for your model version.

a)     Enter the Version Name.

b)     Click Publish.

9.  The publishing operation will analyze each model to be published. After analyzing the models, Assemble will begin publishing the data. 

a)     If publishing to individual models in Assemble, you will have the option to View each model individually after it has been published. Click the View Model button to work with your model in Assemble.

b)     If merging the models, you will need to wait until the data from all models have been published before viewing the model.

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