View the Contents of an Advance Steel Database in SQL Server Management Studio

Learn how to use the SQL Server to view the contents of databases.

To view the contents of a database:

  1. Attach the database in the Object Explorer.
  2. In the Object Explorer, select the database you attached and expand its contents.
  3. From the Tables category, select the table you want to view.
  4. Right-click on the table name and select Edit Top 200 Rows from the contextual menu.
  5. The table contents (the first 200 rows) is opened in a new tab window, on the right side. Here you can edit the cell content.
Note: If you need to view or edit the entire contents of a table (not only the first 200 rows):
  1. In the SQL Server application toolbar, go to the Tools tab and select Options…
  2. In the Options window, go to the SQL Server Object Explorer tab.
  3. Change the values under Table and View Options to 0.
  4. Click OK to save and exit.

After changing the values to 0, when you right-click on a table name in the Object Explorer, in the contextual menu you will find the Edit All Rows option, instead of the Edit Top 200 Rows option.