Start-to-Finish Set Up Guide Collaboration for Revit + BIM 360 Team

Autodesk Support

Nov 23, 2016


What is Collaboration for Revit?

Autodesk® Collaboration for Revit® is a subscription service that works with Revit® 2015 software and later releases to enable multi-user coauthoring – or cloud Worksharing -- of Revit models. Teams stay connected in real time using the Communicator chat tool within models. Integrated with Autodesk® BIM 360™ Team, Collaboration for Revit enables the entire project team to access shared building information models. Revit users subscribe to Collaboration for Revit, which includes BIM 360 Team.

What is BIM 360 Team?

Autodesk BIM 360 Team is a centralized platform for communication, file sharing and design reviews for design teams and their project stakeholders and is the foundation for Collaboration for Revit. Project team members who do not use Revit subscribe to BIM 360 Team for centralized access to project data.

  • 500 GB cloud storage per user
  • View, comment, and markup features
  • Keep track of version history
  • Web and Mobile access to BIM models

How BIM 360 Team and Collaboration for Revit work together

Models authored using Collaboration for Revit are saved to BIM 360, and project teams use the tools in BIM 360 to create and manage project data and participants. The integration with BIM 360 Team lets you extend access to Revit and other project data to enable faster communication and real-time feedback.

Getting started

Sign into your Autodesk Account or sign up for an Autodesk ID


Download Collaboration for Revit plug-in (required only for Revit 2015 and 2016)

NOTE: For 2017, the first version of the Collaboration for Revit plug-in is installed along with Revit.

Set up or join a BIM 360 Team Hub

There are three ways to set up a BIM 360 Team Hub.

BIM 360 Team and Collaboration for Revit Trial

Start a trial to both BIM 360 Team and Collaboration for Revit at

BIM 360 Team web page

You can set up a hub by signing into, and if you do not have a hub, one will be spun up.

Autodesk Account

If you have purchased Collaboration for Revit, but have not yet set up a Hub, sign in to Autodesk Accounts > Products and Services > BIM 360 Team > Access now and if you do not already have a hub, one will be spun up.

  • NOTE: Hub names cannot be renamed once created.

To request access to a Hub, enter the URL of the Hub you would like to join, and a request will be made to the Hub Administrator.

If you are invited to a join a Hub, you will receive an invite email with a link to accept the invitation.

Assign permission through the User Management function in Autodesk Accounts.

By default, the first seat in any contract is always assigned to the contract manager. Therefore, if you subscribe to one seat, the contract manager may see that they have no seats to assign. This is because it’s assigned to them.

If you do not see the users you want to assign permissions to in User Management, you can add them by hitting Add.

NOTE: This applies to users both inside and outside of your company.

If the user is on the list, hit “Edit Access”

Make sure to enable Product Downloads along with Collaboration for Revit

To revoke permissions, uncheck the boxes. To remove a user from the list of managed users, hit the grey x to the right of their name.

Once a Hub is set up, create a new project using tools in BIM 360 Team.

Once you have a project set up, invite project team members.

There are several project types:

  • Open: Use for projects where the intent is to share information broadly to everyone. All Open project information is searchable and accessible to all members of the organization. Anyone in the organization can join and leave an Open project at any time. People outside the organization cannot be invited to Open projects.
  • Closed: Use for projects that require some privacy. Anyone in the organization can see the Closed project name in search results, as well as the Closed project Profile and People pages. All items in the Closed project shared with the entire hub (Hub All) are also visible. Only members of the Closed project can search for and access the project page, activities, and content. The Closed project's moderator must approve membership requests. An organization's hub settings determine if people outside the organization can be invited to join Closed projects.
  • Secret: Use for personal projects or projects that require extra privacy. Secret projects are hidden from people who weren't invited to the project. Only existing project members of a Secret project can search for and access the project page, activities, and content. Team administrators can't view content inside Secret projects. Membership to a Secret project is by invitation only. If you are using the paid version, BIM 360 Team, the hub settings determine if people outside the organization can be invited to join Secret projects.

Or you can invite them to an individual project. If they are not already members of the hub (for example, someone in another office), you will need to use their email address.

All Team roles are paid, and there are paid and free Project roles.

The Paid Roles:

Team Owner:

  • The person who owns/purchases the license entitlement for the hub
  • Is also a Team Administrator and Team Member, and can designate/invite other Team Members, Team Administrators, or Project Moderators
  • Can invite Project Contributors, and can enable others to do so

Team Administrator:

Team Administrators are Team Members with access to the Administrator Console where they can manage the hub, users, projects, and subscriptions.


  • Change the name of a hub
  • Determine the types of users allowed on the hub (paid (Team Members) and free (Project Contributors))
  • Determine how Team Members are invited to the hub


  • Invite users as Team Members
  • Manage invitations
  • Manage users
    • Change the hub role of users in the following ways:
      • Project Contributors to Team Member and vice versa
      • Team Member to Team Administrator and Vice versa
    • Deactivate and reactivate a user account


  • View all projects
  • Archive and restore projects
  • Move projects across hubs
  • View all project members
  • Can be Project Administrator
  • Assign or change project roles:
    • Assign Project Administrator role to a Team Member (who may or may not be a Project Member)
    • Assign Project Member role to a Project Administrator


  • Renew subscriptions
  • Purchase additional subscriptions

Team Member:

  • View and access Open projects
  • View all Closed projects and request to join them
  • Create projects on the hub
  • Invite users to projects
  • Can be Project Administrator

Project Administrator:

  • Nominate other Team Members in the project as Project Administrators
  • Manage project details like project type
  • Determine Project Contributor access to projects
  • Manage requests to join a closed project
  • Delete Project Members
  • Archive and restore projects

Within the Hub there is also a Project Contributor role who:

  • Can access content only within the projects they are invited to (Upload, Update, view, Communicate, Review, Live Review, Comment on Content)
  • Cannot change roles for other users in the hub
  • Cannot create new projects within the hub
  • Cannot join open projects, can request access to closed or secret projects
  • Can invite users to projects they are members of (pending Project Admin Approval
  • Cannot change roles for other users within the Project

Within each project, there are two roles (in additional to Project Administrator):


Editors are Project members with read and write access to data: Editors can:

  • Add all types of content (files, folders, and wikis) to a project
  • Manage content (update, rename, delete, copy, and move)
  • Start and participate in discussions
  • View and create calendar events
  • Share content
  • Review content using A360 viewer
  • Start a live review
  • Invite users as editors or viewers


This role allows view-only access to data and limited invite permissions. Viewers can:

  • View files and Wiki pages
  • View and post comments
  • Delete their own comments
  • View markup
  • View and respond to discussions
  • View the calendar
  • View project members
  • Invite other users as viewers

Project access levels

The role of project team members determines their project access level. The person who creates the project is the default Project Administrator. Everyone in a project is a project member.

Setting a default Hub

Launch Revit and sign in to BIM 360 Team

Once signed in, you can access Collaboration for Revit by going to Application Menu > Open > BIM 360 Team

To save a project to BIM 360 Team for use in Revit, create or open a Revit file, and go to Collaborate > Manage Collaboration > Collaborate

Select the project on BIM 360 Team you want to use.

Hit “Initiate.”

You will see this as Revit uploads the file:

For further information:

Revit Help
Collaboration for Revit website
Collaboration for Revit Support and Learning

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