Working with Fluid Loader Objects

Use Fluid Loader objects to load multiple cached fluid simulations which can be transformed, offset, and assigned materials.


You can create Fluid Loader objects using a number of methods depending on which cache files you wish to use. You can then set the loader properties, display settings, and render settings using the corresponding panel in the Simulation View window.
Note: The display and render settings affect all of the cache files in a Fluid Loader object. If you want to use different settings on specific caches, you will need to create multiple Fluid Loader objects.

To create a Fluid Loader object for a cache file already saved to disk:

  1. From the Create panel, choose Geometry > Fluids, then click the Fluid Loader button.
    Alternatively, you can also create a Fluid Loader object using the menu:
    • Default menu: Animation menu > Fluids > Fluid Loader
    • Alt menu: Animation menu > Fluids > Fluid Loader
  2. From the Modify panel, adjust the icon parameters if required.
  3. Drag in the viewport to place and size the Fluid Loader icon that shows the position of the Fluid Loader object.
  4. Open Simulation View, and select the Fluid Loader object.
  5. In the Loader Properties panel, click the Add button to add an existing cache file to the Fluid Loader object.

To create a Fluid Loader object using an existing solver in the simulation:

  1. Select a Liquid object in a scene and open Simulation View.
  2. In the Management System Area, right click the solver whose cache you want to use and select Create Loader from Cache.
  3. You can now select the created Fluid Loader object in the scene and apply transforms to position and size it.

To add a cache to an existing Fluid Loader object:

  1. Select a Liquid object in a scene and open Simulation View.
  2. In the Management System Area, select a Loader Object.
  3. Right click the solver whose cache you want to use and select Add Cache to Selected Loader.