Miscellaneous Rollout (Physical Camera)

Sets clipping planes and environment ranges.

Clipping Planes group

Turn on to enable this feature.

In viewports, clipping planes are displayed as red grids within the camera's cone.

Near and Far
Sets near and far planes, in scene units. Objects closer than the near clipping plane or farther than the far clipping plane are invisible to the camera. The limit of the Far Clip value is 10 to the power of 32.

The near clipping plane can be as close to the camera as 0.1 unit.

Warning: Extremely large Far Clip values can produce floating-point error, which can cause Z-buffer problems in the viewport, such as objects appearing in front of other objects when they shouldn't.

Environment Ranges group

Near Range and Far Range
Determine the near and far range limits for the atmospheric effects set on the Environment panel. Objects between the two limits fade between the Far and Near values.

These values are expressed in scene units. By default, they encompass the extents of the scene.