
Use Circle to create closed circular splines made of four vertices.

Example of circle


To create a circle:

  1. On the Create panel, click (Shapes) and make sure Splines is the active category.
  2. On the Object Type rollout, click Circle.
  3. Choose a creation method.
  4. Drag in a viewport to draw the circle.


Rendering and Interpolation rollouts

Most spline-based shapes share these parameters. For details, see Rendering rollout and Interpolation rollout.

Creation Method rollout

The Circle shape offers the standard creation-method choice: Center or Edge. For details, see Creation Method rollout.

Keyboard Entry rollout

Creates a Circle spline from the keyboard. Use the X/Y/Z settings to specify the center point and the Radius setting to specify the radius, then click Create. After creating the spline, you can use the Parameters rollout control to adjust the radius (see following).

Parameters rollout

Once you have created a circle, you can change the value of the following setting:


The radius (center-to-edge distance) of the circle.