Viewports can display statistis that show the number of vertices, polygons, and so on. Use the Statistics panel to customize that display.
Statistics can pertain to the scene or the active selection; they can also display a real-time count of the number of frames per second displayed. To toggle display of the statistics in a viewport on the fly, the General viewport label menu and choose xView
Show Statistics, or press 7.
Setup group
- Polygon Count
- Enables the polygon count display.
- Triangle Count
- Enables the triangle count display.
- Edge Count
- Enables the edge count display.
- Vertex Count
- Enables the vertex count display.
- Frames Per Second
- Enables the FPS count display.
- Total Displays only the statistics for the entire scene.
- Selection Displays only the statistics for the current selection.
- Total + Selection Displays the statistics for the entire scene and current selection.
Application group
- Show Statistics In Active View
- Enables the statistics display.
- Default Settings
- Restores all options to their original settings.