Download Autodesk Screencast

Autodesk Support

Dec 1, 2022

As a part of our retirement plan, the Screencast App is no longer available as of December 1, 2022. You can still download/archive your existing Screencasts up until January 31, 2023, when we official close the service down.

Here’s our official message and link to the FAQ:

Autodesk will cease supporting the Screencast product on January 31, 2023. We’re inspired by the community that has rallied around Screencast and the shared discoveries Screencast has evoked.

In 2012, we set out to create an environment where our customers could share what they know. As a part of our new Autodesk Knowledge Network, we envisioned a simple yet informative experience within the larger AKN platform for content sharing, help, and support.

We want to make this transition as smooth as possible for everyone who uses Screencast. See the following FAQ to understand how the closure affects your Screencast data and learn the steps for transferring your videos to your desktop. All your video data will be available for download until January 31, 2023.

While it’s sad to say goodbye to Screencast, we’re eager to put our energy into expanding other new products and services for you.

We’re proud of the product we’ve built, but even more so, we’re grateful for the community of contributors that found it useful and made it grow this past decade.

Thank you!

To learn more, see our FAQ: Autodesk Screencast End-of-Life.

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