Installation Files Not Extracting from SFX Download

Autodesk Support

Feb 23, 2017


Autodesk  SFX files fail to extract on Windows 7 workstations without internet connection and will display a message that the publisher could not be verified.


A certificate that is needed for validating the SFX (.exe) before extracting files is not available on a Windows 7 machine without internet access.  

  • On Windows 7 machines that have been never connected to the internet (dark site) then the required certificate cannot be downloaded, thus the extraction of files from SFX package will fail.   

  • On a Windows 7 machine with internet connection the certificate (VeriSign Universal Root Certification Authority) to extract SFX files will be downloaded by Microsoft automatically and the files will extract successfully.  

  • Windows 8 and Windows 10 machines already contain the required certificate and the files will extract successfully.  

  • 2017 and earlier products use a different certificate that Windows 7 already contains so the files will extract successfully.  

How to Verify if you have the issue on your machine

  • Click 'Start' and type certmgr.msc in the Search Programs and Files field and hit Enter.

  • Expand Certificates and expand Trusted Root Certification Authorities item 

  • Select 'Certificates' 

  • Look for VeriSign Universal Root Certification Authority

  • If the certificate is available there and is valid, the file extraction and product installation will complete successfully 


The certificate (Root 10) can be downloaded directly from VeriSign's certificate page on their website:

Root 10 Cert

To add the certificate to your Trusted Root Certificate store, use the directions on the Microsoft TechNet page below:

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