autoload (AutoLISP)

Predefines command names to load an associated AutoLISP file

Supported Platforms: Windows and Mac OS


(autoload filename cmdlist)

Type: String

AutoLISP file to be loaded when one of the commands defined by the cmdlist argument is entered at the Command prompt. You can omit the path from the filename, AutoCAD looks for the file in the support file search path. The extension from the filename can also be omitted; .lsp or .fas, or .vlx (Windows only).


Type: List

A list of strings.

Return Values

Type: nil

Always returns nil.

If you associate a command with filename and that command is not defined in the specified file, AutoCAD alerts you with an error message when you enter the command.


The first time a user enters a command specified in cmdlist, AutoCAD loads the application specified in filename, then continues the command.

Important: Starting with AutoCAD 2014-based products, custom applications must work under secure mode; when the SECURELOAD system variable is set to 1 or 2. When operating under secure mode, the program is restricted to loading and executing files that contain code from trusted locations; trusted locations are specified by the TRUSTEDPATHS system variable.


The following causes AutoCAD to load the bonusapp.lsp file the first time the APP1, APP2, or APP3 commands are entered at the Command prompt:

(autoload "BONUSAPP" '("APP1" "APP2" "APP3"))