HatchObjectType Property (ActiveX)

Specifies the type of the hatch, classic or gradient.

Supported platforms: Windows only




Type: Hatch

The object this property applies to.

Property Value

Read-only: No

Type: AcHatchObjectType enum


The default value of this property is 0, acHatchObject, which creates a classic hatch.

If the value of this property is 1, acGradientObject, a gradient is created by the AddHatch method for hatch creation. If a gradient is created, then PatternType should be AcGradientPatternType and PatternName should contain a gradient pattern name of LINEAR, CYLINDER, INVCYLINDER, SPHERICAL, HEMISPHERICAL, CURVED, INVSPHERICAL, INVHEMISPHERICAL, or INVCURVED.



Sub Example_HatchObjectType()
    ' This example changes the value of the HatchObjectType property.
    ' The example requires that the active drawing contain an existing hatch.
    AppActivate ThisDrawing.Application.Caption
    Dim ent As AcadHatch
    Dim util As AcadUtility
    Set util = ThisDrawing.Utility
    Dim pt As Variant
    Call util.GetEntity(ent, pt, "Select hatch :")
    With ent
        MsgBox "Initial value of HatchObjectType = " & .HatchObjectType
        .HatchObjectType = acGradientObject
        .GradientAngle = 3.1415 / 4
        .GradientCentered = False
        .GradientName = "SPHERICAL"
        Dim col1 As AcadAcCmColor, col2 As AcadAcCmColor
        Set col1 = AcadApplication.GetInterfaceObject("AutoCAD.AcCmColor.20")
        Set col2 = AcadApplication.GetInterfaceObject("AutoCAD.AcCmColor.20")
        col1.SetRGB 255, 0, 0
        col2.SetRGB 0, 255, 0
        .GradientColor1 = col1
        .GradientColor2 = col2
        MsgBox "New value of HatchObjectType = " & .HatchObjectType
    End With
End Sub

Visual LISP:

(defun c:Example_HatchObjectType()
    ;; This example changes the value of the HatchObjectType property.
    ;; The example requires that the active drawing contain an existing hatch.
    (setq acadObj (vlax-get-acad-object))
    (setq doc (vla-get-ActiveDocument acadObj))
    (setq util (vla-get-Utility doc))
    (vla-GetEntity util 'ent 'pt "Select hatch :")
    (alert (strcat "Initial value of HatchObjectType = " (itoa (vla-get-HatchObjectType ent))))

    (vla-put-HatchObjectType ent acGradientObject)
    (vla-put-GradientAngle ent (/ 3.1415 4))
    (vla-put-GradientCentered ent :vlax-false)
    (vla-put-GradientName ent "SPHERICAL")

    (setq col1 (vlax-create-object "AutoCAD.AcCmColor.20"))
    (setq col2 (vlax-create-object "AutoCAD.AcCmColor.20"))
    (vla-SetRGB col1 255 0 0)
    (vla-SetRGB col2 0 255 0)
    (vla-put-GradientColor1 ent col1)
    (vla-put-GradientColor2 ent col2)

    (alert (strcat "New value of HatchObjectType = " (itoa (vla-get-HatchObjectType ent))))

    (vlax-release-object col1)
    (vlax-release-object col2)