Maya 2020.3 Update リリース ノート

Maya または Maya LT 2020.3 Update は、Autodesk Account から入手できます。

注: Windows の場合、Maya のインストーラは 2 つのファイルで構成されるようになりました。インストールを開始する前に、ブラウザのポップアップ ブロックを無効にしていること、および両方のファイルをダウンロードしたことを確認してください。

このページでは、今回の更新で修正された内容と、Maya、Maya LT、または両方の既知の問題について説明します。新機能の詳細については、Maya 2020.3 Update の新機能またはMaya LT 2020.3 Update の新機能を参照してください。

ATF プラグインに関する重要な注意事項
Maya 2020.3 Update のリリース以降、特定のファイルを初めて読み込もうとしたときに、TBB ライブラリ エラーが発生するという報告を受けました。ただし、ファイルを再度読み込むことで、この問題を回避できます。この回避策は Maya 2020.3 で有効ですが、Maya 2020.4 では ATF プラグインを旧バージョン(8.5)に戻しました。そのため、Catia R6(2020)のサポートは含まれなくなりました。


Hotbox controls set to animation only shows rigging and animation after restart MAYA-106202
Caching : Crash selecting audio track in Camera Sequencer MAYA-104674
Caching : Temporary values remain when time is advanced MAYA-104932
Evaluation Toolkit: Printing scheduling type for a node is broken MAYA-104710
EM manipulation not working when some channels do not have keys MAYA-105404
toggleEvaluationManagerManipulation() method is missing MAYA-106614
Unable to open Expression Editor if Preferences become corrupt MAYA-105976
Rigs incorrect with Stepped tangents, Prevent frame skipping disabled and Smoothed meshes MAYA-105433
NodeEditor: GraphEditorInfo node shows in node editor when saving MAYA-106054
Error occurs after changing input deformer order of geometry when another instance of maya launched MAYA-106028
Blend Shape: No error message when creating a Blend Shape on the wrong node MAYA-106043
Manipulating keys not visible in GraphEditor window causes crash MAYA-105892
Blend Shape outputs are not listed in the Channel box outputs MAYA-106671
Channel Box history breaks on shared lattices MAYA-106453
Graph Editor: "Only scale selected keys" in Scale Keys Tool not working MAYA-105497
findRelatedSkinClusters does not work with full paths MAYA-106164
Camera Sequencer loses audio sync when offset, source start/end of audio node are animated MAYA-104359
Time Editor : Crash when adding more than 127 single channel animated nodes MAYA-104800
Time Editor : Bake to Scene with multiple clips selected causes errors MAYA-105470
MFnAnimCurve causes keys to display as altered MAYA-104908
Caching: Maya 2012 rig opened in 2019/2020 exhibits skinning artifacts MAYA-104866
Grab tool makes Blend Shapes jump to approximated points MAYA-105776
Parallel Evaluation : Geometry explodes into shapes starting from the freeFormFilletSrf node MAYA-106413
Parallel Evaluation : Make Curve Dynamic Crash in - awnSolver::nDynamicalComplex::comp_kdop_trees MAYA-105904
Parallel Evaluation : Crash playing back scenes with concurrent unit conversions MAYA-106004
Crash when rotating poly plane geometry that has proxpin constraint MAYA-104680
Importing certain FBX files from Adobe Fuse with blend shapes crashes Maya 2020 MAYA-104915
Open or Import of FBX files in 2020 crashes Maya. MAYA-105046
Incorrect RUNPATH in Maya libs on Linux MAYA-106195
3 extra zeroes get added to float values when editing in AE, if decimal separator is a comma (i.e. via German OS Region setting) MAYA-105206
OpenMaya function MItMeshVertex.getNormal crashes Maya MAYA-106422
Qt: Error when compiling QT devkit plugins on Mac because of full Qt lib paths generated by qmake MAYA-105617
Crash on startup if user install of PySide2 interferes with Maya MAYA-106332
Dragging the points of a color ramp control created by "gradientControlNoAttr" changes the color in the control. MAYA-105914
Cannot load plug-ins which has dot "." in the names via "requires" statement. MAYA-104060
Maya 2020 shiboken2 is missing dependency: MAYA-106425
Auto-save is not skipped if there were no changes since previous user save or auto-save MAYA-106560
Calling thisMObject from a MPxManipContainer crashes Maya MAYA-105729
MacOS crash when hovering over an area that should trigger a Toolclip MAYA-106428
Maya crashes when hovering mouse over Toolbox with setup of GL version <= 2.0 MAYA-106538
MDagModifier deleting parent if all children are deleted MAYA-105888
MArray disregards Python reference counting and crashes Maya MAYA-104317
Referencing file with '#' in it's name or file path will disable namespace creation MAYA-105315
Maya can't open compressed files with spaces in the filename MAYA-104853
Parts of docked Hypershade UI (or AE) will be black or empty after UI operation MAYA-105644
Double clicking on Preferences cancel button will cause error MAYA-106256
MDagMessage matrix modified callback not fired for local matrix changes MAYA-104815
Preferences can become corrupted if launching of prefs window errors MAYA-105247
Calling MSelectionList getPlug() when having a certain type of plugin, the list fails with a TypeError. MAYA-106235
Sound is not playing correctly when changes are made to Audio Silence MAYA-106368
getAttr -multiIndices returns incorrect value on connected ramps MAYA-105872
Break connections also breaks proxy attributes in referenced file MAYA-105199
Mac: Users can't debug plug-in on notarized build of Maya MAYA-106801
Devkit: locatorHelperShapeExport errors when exporting mesh MAYA-105745
DevKit: Python plugin missing toolOffCleanup to clean up callback MAYA-105501
UVs become corrupt on undo after polyDelEdge command MAYA-105492
Manipulators jump around when working with instances MAYA-105687
Display only selected UVs in the UV Editor when viewing connected faces MAYA-104511
Sculpt mode turns object black when using non default material shading MAYA-106337
Crash when using Sculpt Tool with 3D stamp MAYA-106400
モーション グラフィックス
MASH: Memory leak on Distribute Node MAYA-106172
MASH 35 times slower to build in 2020 than in 2019 MAYA-105387
Cannot change geometry type on MASH networks MAYA-106487
Crash when baking particle instancer MAYA-106556
ShaderBallOrthoCamera1 error when loading file with the Hypershade open if no UI scriptNode is present MAYA-104524
Getting value of world matrix from transform node in worldMatrixChanged callback isn't correct MAYA-106025
CurveInfo node controlPoints attr returns None MAYA-105896
Hold Matrix Node doesn't hold matrix MAYA-106026
outMesh-inMesh connections override deltaMush on the second mesh MAYA-104940
Graph Editor: Regression when "Display Assets" setting is on MAYA-105107
MFnSkinCluster.setWeights() causes a crash when skin cluster influence is a matrix node MAYA-106547
curveWarp scaleCurve doesn't update when driven through custom attributes MAYA-105848
Deleting Non-Deformer History also deletes deformer history in certain cases MAYA-104879
BlendShape doesn't blend properly on GPU MAYA-106511
Errors on scene load without an error message with proxy attributes MAYA-106024
Rivet errors out on creation MAYA-106027
composeMatrix's InputQuat attribute's short name changed from iq to oq MAYA-106604
Hypergraph middle-click drag menu shows drag-outputs instead of drop-inputs MAYA-105580
Expanded asset moves when contained node is moved in hypergraph MAYA-105770
XGen hair rendering regression on certain frame changes MAYA-105545
Mac: XGen Interactive Groom Editor display issue MAYA-105678
“space” keyword doesn’t follow XGen conventions: it should be "xgen_space” MAYA-106016
XGen doesn’t respect transform/group hierarchy in VP2 MAYA-106016
Log files can exceed 100 MB due to XGen errors and messages MAYA-106016
No support for xgen_cv_break in Alembic MAYA-106016
XGen AnimWires don’t work with namespaces MAYA-106016
3D Paint Effects don't update in the viewport until orbiting the view MAYA-106343
MPxSubSceneOverride draws UI drawables in the wrong place MAYA-104996
Using devkit fileTexture node for displacement will crash Maya during opening the scene MAYA-105065
Image Plane created from script not updating without Attribute Editor open MAYA-105599
Invalid Undo result from script which causes objects to lose material MAYA-105359
imagePlane display broken in Legacy Viewport MAYA-105701
Built-in imageplane flickers and crashes in VP2.0 when mouse-dragging frameOffset MAYA-105813
VP2RenderDelegate: transparent instances are not drawn with expected transformation MAYA-104688
VP2 doesn't update properly with hierarchy changes in Isolate Selection mode MAYA-105657
VP2 doesn't update with image planes that have custom attributes MAYA-104942
(Maya LT) viewport rendering is broken in 2020 MAYA-106575


Maya 2020.3 を macOS または Linux ネットワーク上に配置する場合、いずれかのオートデスク製品の 2021 バージョンが既にインストールされていると、配置に失敗することがあります。この問題の Linux における回避策は、トピック「macOS および Linux のネットワーク配置のための特別な手順」に記載されています。MAYA-105957