"We were unable to create your model due to technical issues" when creating a model using Model Builder in InfraWorks

Autodesk Support

May 15, 2024

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When creating a model with Model Builder in InfraWorks, the process fails and the following message is emailed:

Autodesk InfraWorks

We were unable to create your model due to technical issues.
Please try again later. If the problem persists, please contact our technical support team.

We were unable to create your model due to technical issues.


Autodesk InfraWorks

We were unable to create your model due to an unsupported custom coordinate system.
You have selected a custom coordinate system to create your model. There are not currently supported by Model Builder.  Please select an Infraworks coordinate system and try again. Requested model.

We were unable to create a model due to an unsupported custom coordinate system


  • Temporary Model Builder service outage.
  • The limit of the model extent was exceeded.
  • Use of a custom coordinate system for the Model Builder model.
  • Use of the XY-M coordinate system to create a model as it is not a real coordinate system: There is no transformation information between LL84 (public data) and XY-M.

Note: A custom coordinate system definition only exists on the local computer where it was defined. Model Builder creates models on a cloud server where information about custom coordinate systems is unavailable.


Try the following to fix this issue:

Service Outage

Create a model in Model Builder once again after a while. Check for outages at the Autodesk Health Dashboard.

Note: Affected models are unable to download and cannot be deleted from Model Builder. Those models will be deleted automatically after 90 days. Then, they will no longer show on the Home screen/Models available for download.

Make sure that an Autodesk coordinate system is used during model creation

Select a real coordinate system instead of XY-M.
As an alternative to creating a model in a custom coordinate system, follow these steps:

  1. Create a Model Builder model with an Autodesk coordinate system.
  2. Download the model.
  3. Export the model to IMX 
  4. Use the custom coordinate system when selecting the target coordinate system for the model.
  5. Create a new local InfraWorks model with the custom coordinate system.
  6. Import the IMX file.
  7. Load Bing Map data through a database connection 

Make sure that the Model Builder limit of model extent is not exceeded

There is a program limitation: Model Builder supports model areas up to 200 square kilometers or lengths up to 200 kilometers in latitude or longitude.
When choosing an area using the Area or Polygon selection tool in Model Builder, Zoom in until the selected area fills the Model Builder screen and create a Model from screen extents.



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