Changing the Hardware Acceleration setting in Revit

Autodesk Support

Oct 8, 2023

Products and versions covered


What is the correct way to enable or disable hardware acceleration in Revit? 


To enable or disable hardware acceleration in Revit when the program is running:

  1. Go to the File Ribbon Tab and choose Options.
  • If the Revit Home page is displayed, click on the  (Home) icon to access the File tab.
  1. In the Options dialog box in the Hardware category, set the desired value for use Hardware Acceleration (Direct3D).
Note: For 2018 and earlier versions, this option is on the Graphics tab.

To enable or disable hardware acceleration in situations where the product cannot be launched:
  1. Open the Revit.ini file in a text editor (for example Notepad). The file is located in a path similar to   C:\Users\%USERNAME%\AppData\Roaming\Autodesk\Revit\<product name and release>
  2. In the [Graphics] section, specify the value of UseGraphicsHardware as 0 for disabled and 1 for enable:
UseGraphicsHardware=1 (enable)
UseGraphicsHardware=0 (disable)

Note: If the value does not exist in the [Graphics] section, add the whole line:



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